WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades, 12 July 2022: NXT Women’s Championship on the line

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NXT Results, Winners, Grades: Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade won the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships last week from Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin last week. Perez said she wanted to win the NXT Women’s Championship and end the Toxic Attraction in the process. This week she gets her chance.

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The show kicked off with Roxanne Perez feeling the effects of what seemed an attack from Toxic Attraction. Perez was lying on the floor while Cora Jade called for help.

Giovanni Vinci versus Apollo Crews

Vinci took down Crews with a shoulder tackle. He followed up with a kick to the mid-section. Both superstars exchanged a few hard chops before Crews delivered a wonderful dropkick.

Vinci threw Crews outside the ring and dropped him on the barricade. Crews came back into the match with three German suplexes. Vinci showed an impressive display of his power when he caught Crews out of mid-air and delivered an overhead suplex.

Vinci went outside the ring and took a cell phone from a fan and returned to the ring. The referee was busy taking the phone away from him when Xyon Quinn appeared out of the crowd area and hit a huge right hand to Crews. Vinci followed it up with a powerbomb to pick up the win.

Winner – Giovanni Vinci

Grade – A

Cora Jade was interviewed backstage. She said that Perez and herself should have entered the arena together. She did not see the attack but it had Toxic Attraction written all over it as they are afraid that their dominance is going to end soon. Jade failed to provide an update on her best friend but hoped that she would pull through before the match against Mandy Rose.

Cameron Grimes comes out to the ring

Cameron Grimes spoke about his loss against Bron Breakker last week. He said he was in the shape of his life and did everything fine and even hit his finisher but just could not pick up the win. Bron Breakker has his arm in a sling but still has the championship with him.

JD McDonagh came into the fray. He said that Grimes was old news. The picture has changed drastically since he arrived last week. Grimes called him an assh*le. McDonagh hit back with a headbutt. Grimes was about to hit the Cave-In but McDonagh managed to escape.

Damon Kemp and Creed Brothers were watching tape backstage. They did some fist bumps before the NXT Tag Team Champions left the scene. Roderick Strong entered and blamed Kemp for the loss last week which cost them the chance to become NXT Tag Team Champions. Strong said that he will embarrass Kemp next week in a one-on-one match.

Kayden Carter versus Tatum Paxley

Kayden Carter slapped Paxley as the match got underway. Paxley and Carter went back and forth grappling on the mat. Carter hit a dropkick for a near fall. She delivered another dropkick to send Paxley outside the ring. Ivy Nile came out to the ringside and told Paxley to head back into the ring.

Paxley hit a neckbreaker followed by a standing moonsault. She followed up with a few headbutts. Carter came back strongly and applied a submission hold but Paxley managed to make her way to the bottom rope. Eventually, Paxley got the W with a roll-up.

Winner – Tatum Paxley

Grade – B

Joe Gacy and The Dyad appeared in a dark setting. Gacy said that there has been a breakthrough in the Schism. They are ready to reveal themselves next week.

We get footage from earlier on when Briggs and Jenson were seen hanging out at a bar. Pretty Deadly rolled up and had some foul things to say about the NXT UK Tag Team Champions. They challenged Briggs and Jenson for the title. Just when a brawl was about to begin, Fallon Henly stepped up on the bar and said they will wrestle next week.

Duke Hudson versus Sanga

Duke Hudson started the match strongly until Sanga stepped up his game with a side slam followed by an elbow drop. Sanga picked up Hudson on his shoulder but the latter escaped.

Hudson hit a big boot but Sanga came back with a huge clothesline. He followed it up with a chokeslam to win the match.

Winner – Sanga

Grade – C

Von Wagner and Solo Sikoa hyped themselves up for their match which was up next.

Solo Sikoa versus Von Wagner

Sikoa applied a headlock which Wagner took some time to get out of. Sikoa attempted to take down Wagner with a shoulder tackle and he managed to do so but not with one but two tackles. The babyface hit a powerslam and was in control of the match as we went into a commercial break.

Upon returning, we saw Wagner in total control of the match. He had applied a headlock and once Sikoa managed to escape, he was met with a huge big boot.

Sikoa came back into the match with an uppercut followed by a back elbow. A Samoan drop and the Street Fighting champion took control of the match. Both men went outside the ring. Wagner slammed Sikoa’s head into the announce table. It fired up Sikoa even more as they brawled their way to the stage area. Both men were counted out but they did not care. The brawl continued as referees and officials struggled to separate them.

Winner – No winner

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Grade – B

Lash Legend cut a promo backstage with a basketball in hand. She said that Indi Hartwell was not as athletic as her. She put the basketball down and left. Someone stopped the basketball with a baseball bat as we went into a commercial break.

Indi Hartwell versus Lash Legend

Lash Legend pushed Indi Hartwell into the ring apron. The heel began dominating her opponent. She set up Hartwell on the top rope and pulled her back down on the mat. Hartwell managed to roll-up Legend for a two-count. Hartwell followed up with a side slam. Legend sent Hartwell into the middle turnbuckle. Legend set up Hartwell on the top rope but got distracted by Alba Fyre who was standing on the pod above the crowd section.

Hartwell looked to take advantage as she climbed the top rope but botched whatever she had in mind. In the end, Hartwell picked up the win with a roll-up.

Winner – Indi Hartwell

Grade – C

After the match, Fyre came out swinging her bat as Legend managed to escape her wrath for the time being.

We saw Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner continue their brawl backstage.

Tony D’Angelo and his family are interviewed backstage. He says that they have no hand in Perez being attacked earlier in the night. He said that Elektra Lopez has been proving her loyalty to the family but it’s time for Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro to do the same.

Sikoa and Wagner were spotted fighting outside the building. They were finally separated. Stone began trash-talking in front of Sikoa and was dumped into the dumpster for his efforts.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade versus Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo

Enofe and Lorenzo got the match started. The two competitors went back and forth trying to gain the early advantage. D’Angelo and Lorenzo made some frequent tags to keep Edris Enofe on their side of the ring. However, Blade finally got the tag in and used his speed to rattle Lorenzo. Tony came to the ring and got hit with a dropkick. Blade hit a spinebuster to Lorenzo.

D’Angelo sent Enofe into the steel steps. The leader of The Family pinned Blade for the win. After the match, D’Angelo ordered Wilde and Del Toro to attack Blade and Enofe and they did the same.

Winner – Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo

Grade – B

Nikkita Lyons requested an interview backstage. She said that a few people on social media thought she was the one who attacked Perez from behind. However, Lyons denied doing so as she is not someone who needs to attack someone from behind. She said that if Perez does not recover in time and Mandy Rose still needs an opponent, she will be quite happy to put on her ring gear and beat the NXT Champion.

Mandy Rose (c) versus Roxanne Perez – NXT Women’s Championship

Mandy Rose came out to the ring and said that Perez isn’t woman enough to challenge her. However, she does not blame her as she would have lost anyway.

Cora Jade came out and asked her to shut the hell up. She said that her night was not over. Jade said that if Perez is not ready to compete then she will step in and take the title.

A battered and bruised Perez made her way to the ring and the match got underway.

Perez’s ribs were bandaged and Rose focused her attack on the injured area. The veteran used her experience to control the pace of the match. Perez’s ribs took a real beatdown as she struggled to muster up any offense. This was until Rose ran into a knee. Perez followed up with a crossbody.

A Russian leg sweep from Perez gave her a two-count. She attempted the Pop Rox but Rose countered. Rose went shoulder-first into the ring post. Outside the ring, Perez took out Dolin and Jayne. She hit a Pop Rox on Rose on the outside. Rose crawled back into the ring. As Perez was making her way back to the ring, Jade hit her with the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship belt. Rose took advantage striking Perez with a running knee to retain her title.

After the match, Jade entered the ring and shouted at Perez saying that she brought her to NXT and called her selfish before hitting her with her skateboard.

Winner – Mandy Rose

Grade – A

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