WWE NXT Spring Breakin’, results, winners, and grades, 4 May 2022: Bron Breakker versus Joe Gacy

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WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ Results, winners, and grades: The show started with an epic triple-threat match for the NXT North American Championship.

Let’s start with the NXT results for 4 May: The Viking Raiders had a classic match versus The Creed Brothers.

Cameron Grimes (c) versus Solo Sikoa versus Carmelo Hayes – NXT North American Championship match

Solo Sikoa and Cameron Grimes joined forces to take out Carmelo Hayes initially and then they alternatively stopped the former NXT North American Champion from entering the ring. Hayes finally entered the ring and took out both his opponents with exhilarating moves. Grimes took out Sikoa with a crossbody and went for the pin but Hayes broke it at 2.

The champion dropped Hayes face first and went for the cover but this time Sikoa broke the pin with a senton. Grimes dropped Hayes with a superplex and he got dropped with a powerbomb at the same time. A slugfest ensued in the middle of the ring among the 3 competitors.

A German suplex on Grimes and then he powerbombed Hayes into the champion. Near falls for all 3 competitors. Hayes dived off the top rope but got caught with a Superkick. Sikoa picked Hayes and looked set to hit a Samoan drop but Grimes hit Cave-In to retain his title.

Winner – Cameron Grimes

Grade – A

Mandy Rose was getting ready to hit the beach but Wendy Choo messed up her plans. In a tanning salon, Mandy was getting beach ready and he invited Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. Choo sneaked up on Mandy and changed the controls to give Mandy a terrible reddish look. Mandy’s friends told her that she looked like strawberries and left her behind.

Duke Hudson caught up with a sad Indi Hartwell backstage. Hudson went for a kiss to console her but she said, “oh hell no!” and Hudson retorted with “you wish!”

Nathan Frazer versus Grayson Waller

Waller mocked Frazer early on. Frazer hit a dropkick from the middle rope taking Waller out of the ring. Waller used his experience to get things under his control. He used some heavy blows to wear down Frazer. The newcomer would come back into the match soon with some scintillating athleticism.

Waller dominated the match once again and even mocked Frazer’s mentor Seth Rollins but this made the debutant furious as he delivered a couple of superkicks. Waller once again took control but failed to put away a persistent Frazer. He went up to the top rope. Frazer caught him there and was about to hit the super Spanish fly but Waller dropped him. However, Andre Chase blew a horn which distracted Waller as he tripped from the ropes and Frazer got the win after a tremendous Phoenix Splash from the top rope.

Winner – Nathan Frazer

Grade – B

Santos Escobar and Tony D’Angelo have a meeting

Escobar and D’Angelo met at a restaurant setting along with their henchmen. They got involved in a war of words initially. However, they finally admitted that peace is most important for their respective businesses and finally raised a toast.

Viking Raiders were interviewed backstage. They said The Creed Brothers were world-class athletes but they hadn’t been in a battle before. Pretty Deadly interrupted and got a telling off from the former NXT Champions. The current NXT Champions didn’t want to pick a fight with the Raiders as they wished them good luck for their match later on versus The Creed Brothers and left.

Joe Gacy cut a spooky promo backstage as he promised to change the world tonight.

Natalya and Lash Legend versus Cora Jade and Nikkita Lyons

Cora Jade and Legend started the proceedings. Jade started off on a bright note but Legend used her strength to bring her into her corner and tagged in Natalya. Natalya offered a handshake but it was a trick as she attempted to catch Jade with a kick. However, Jade had it scouted. She tagged in Lyons and the crowd gave her a huge pop.

Lyons looked to use her power to thwart Natalya but the B.O.A.T. managed to tag in Legend. Lyons got hit with a suplex and Legend followed it up with a clothesline that took both competitors outside the ring.

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Natalya dominated Jade inside the ring. The heels isolated Jade in their corner of the ring and made frequent tags to wear down the fan-favorite. Jade managed to hit an elbow to take out Natalya and sidestep Legend to make the tag to Lyons. A flurry of kicks to Natalya. Legend got the tag in and she delivered a dropkick to take down Lyons. Legend and Lyons were involved in a series of roll-ups and Natalya mistakenly kicked her own partner. Lyons tagged in Jade and she delivered a leg drop on Legend to pick up the victory.

Winner – Cora Jade and Nikkita Lyons

Grade – B

Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne hit the beach but Wendy Choo and Roxanne Perez sneaked in and stole their shoes and car keys. Toxic Attraction chased them but barefoot they struggled while crossing the pavement between them and their rivals.

Viking Raiders versus The Creed Brothers

Erik and Ivar took out Julius and Brutus early on with a tremendous display of speed and strength. The Raiders hit the Viking Experience on Julius but he kicked out. Brutus got the tag in and instantly took control of the match. Ivar delivered a splash to Julius outside the ring.

Brutus and Erik were in the middle of the ring after we returned from the commercial break. Both men tagged in their partners and Julius took out both the Raiders. Ivar delivered a Powerslam to Julius outside the ring. A sit-down powerbomb from Ivar inside the ring on Brutus but it only gave him a two count.

Ivar powerbombed Erik on Brutus and followed it up with a frog splash himself but the youngster kicked out once again. Julius hit a superplex on Ivar from the top rope. However, Ivar recovered very quickly and delivered a roundhouse kick to take down Julius and almost won the match with a double-team maneuver. Roderick Strong hit Erik with a knee which the referee didn’t see. The Creed Brothers picked up the win after the assist. However, as they saw the replays, the brothers were not happy at all.

Winner- The Creed Brothers

Grade – A

Santos Escobar met AJ Galante and praised him for his wisdom. Escobar and Legado del Fantasma went on to kidnap Galante.

Bron Breakker (c) versus Joe Gacy – NXT Championship match

Bron Breakker started the match full of rage but Gacy weathered the initial storm and took control of the match. He continued wearing down the champion until Breakker managed to muster some offense delivering a bulldog and following it up with a strong kick to the ribs.

Breakker followed it up with a botched belly-to-belly suplex but Gacy did well to sell it. Gacy delivered a sit-down powerbomb but Breakker kicked out at 2. Breakker evaded a clothesline and delivered a spear to win the match and retain the title.

As Breakker was celebrating in the ring with the title, we saw two druids in red facemasks get up on the apron but before Breakker could see them, the show ended.

Winner – Bron Breakker

Grade – B

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