WWE Raw Results, winners, and grades, 13th June 2022: Seth Rollins faces AJ Styles in a Money in the Bank Qualifying match

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We start with the Raw results, winners, and grades.

Seth Rollins will explain his brutal attack on Cody Rhodes from last week. Ezekiel and Kevin Owens will fight it out once again in a rematch from Hell in a Cell.


Miz gets us underway with an episode of Miz TV

Miz started introducing Paul Heyman before the latter cut him off. Heyman introduced himself in his own indomitable way. Miz thanked Heyman for coming on his show. He continued to dish out some facts about the Money in the Bank winners. He said that the winner of the Money in the Bank briefcase has a chance of 85% of winning the world title. As for him, he has a 100% record of cashing in the contract.

Miz has cashed in successfully on a couple of occasions. Heyman said that when Roman Reigns is the champion, the chance to successfully cash in is 0. Heyman was about to mention a stipulation for Riddle’s match for the WWE Universal Championship on this week’s SmackDown.

Riddle said he has no problem with any stipulation. Heyman announced that if Riddle loses to Roman Reigns on SmackDown then he will never get another world title opportunity as long as the Tribal Chief will be the champion. Heyman called The Usos to the ring. As the Undisputed Tag Team Champions made their way to the ring looking to pounce on Riddle, The Street Profits appeared to even the odds. We went into the first commercial break for the night.

Jimmy Uso versus Montez Ford

A fired-up Montez Ford hit a beautiful dropkick as Jimmy went outside the ring to regroup. Jimmy returned to the ring and sent Ford forcefully to the corner on a couple of occasions. Ford came back with a clothesline followed by another dropkick. Ford looked to launch himself over the top rope but he was met with a big right. Jimmy hit Ford with a snap suplex on the ring apron.

Jimmy continued wearing down Ford until the latter managed to drop Jimmy to get back into the match. Ford and Jimmy matched move for move with superkicks and knees. Ford delivered a Spinebuster for a near fall. Jimmy came back with a pop-up Samoan drop for a near fall. Uso went for another suplex on the ring apron but Ford managed to block. Jimmy sent him into the ring post. Ford and Jimmy battled on the top rope before the latter dropped the heel with a hurricanrana. Ford attempted the Frog Splash but Jimmy got his knees up in time. Jimmy pinned Ford for the victory.

Winner – Jimmy Uso

Grade – A

Seth Rollins explains his vicious attack on Cody Rhodes from last week

We saw a replay from last week of RAW where Seth Rollins attacked the American Nightmare.

Rollins was asked if he had any remorse for his actions from last week. The Architect called Cody Rhodes a “virus” and said that he had to do something. Rollins said that he has no remorse but he is proud of his effort. He is happy that Rhodes is gone and Monday Night Rollins is back. Rollins was asked what was next. He said that he is looking forward to the Money in the Bank ladder match and said that he managed to pull off the greatest cash in, in the history of the contract. Rollins will be facing AJ Styles later on in the night in a Money in the Bank qualifying match. The Visionary said that if Styles comes in his way then he will suffer the same fate as Cody Rhodes. Styles came out of nowhere and punched Rollins in the face as the latter fell off the chair. Styles said that this was for Cody.

Dana Brooke (c) versus Becky Lynch – WWE 24/7 Championship match

Becky Lynch came to the ring and began a brutal assault on Brooke even before the match began. Lynch sent Brooke into the barricade. The Man slammed Brooke’s head into the announce desk. Lynch took a microphone and said that it is not about the 24/7 title. She said that Brooke can keep that. Lynch said she is tired of weeks and weeks of disrespect. Big Time Becks said that she was robbed the last time she was in a Money in the Bank match.

She focused her attention on Brooke but Asuka came to make the save. Asuka and Lynch went back and forth with a series of kicks and punches before a German Suplex sent Lynch out of the ring.

Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan versus Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H. – Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Two former best friends Nikki A.S.H. and Alexa Bliss started the match. Bliss was all fired-up as she hit some kicks as Nikki made the tag to Doudrop. The powerful Doudrop flattened Bliss with a senton. Doudrop tagged in Nikki as she continued dominating Bliss. The Goddess finally managed to tag in Liv Morgan as the former Riott Squad member picked up the pace. Morgan went up to the ropes and delivered a dropkick to take Doudrop out.

Bliss got the tag but age was dropped courtesy of a double-team maneuver from the heels. Doudrop hit a bodyslam on Morgan on the outside. Doudrop attempted a Senton but Morgan rolled out of the way. Back inside the ring, Bliss hit a huge right hand followed by a DDT to secure victory for her team.

Winners – Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan

Grade – B

Kevin Owens versus Ezekiel

Ezekiel looked to hit a high knee as the match began but Owens ducked out of the way and hit a Superkick. Owens followed up with a Cannonball and went up on the top rope to hit a Swanton Bomb for a near fall. Outside the ring, Ezekiel sent Owens into the ring post. Ezekiel hit a Spinebuster to Owens. Both men went outside the ring and Ezekiel hit an Attitude Adjustment to Owens on the steel steps.

We went into a commercial break. During the break, Owens hit a Frog Splash from the ring apron on Ezekiel lying on the outside. After the break, Owens tried to attempt a senton but Ezekiel got his knees up. Ezekiel hit a high knee to send Owens outside the ring. Owens lost his cool when he heard the commentary team refer to Ezekiel as Ezekiel and not Elias. Owens got counted out while yelling at the commentary team.

After the match, Ezekiel took a microphone and said he was far from over with Owens. However, he was looking forward to new challenges as well and it was the Money in the Bank briefcase. Ezekiel said he has got hold of Elias and he will be coming back on next week’s episode of RAW.

Winner – Ezekiel

Grade – A

MVP versus Cedric Alexander

MVP and Omos got in the ring. The former took a microphone and said that Cedric Alexander does not handle rejection well. He said that after they are done with Alexander, they will focus on the Money in the Bank match. Cedric Alexander unleashed on MVP as the match got underway.

A number of kicks and punches came MVP’s way. Omos distracted Cedric Alexander and MVP took advantage by dropping the former 24/7 Champion with a unique move to pick up the win. After the match, Omos dumped Alexander outside the ring.

Winner – MVP

Grade – D

Seth Rollins versus AJ Styles – Money in the Bank Qualifying match

AJ Styles hit a dropkick to Seth Rollins. Outside the ring, Styles sent Rollins into the barricade. Styles got back in the ring and hit a Phenomenal Forearm to Rollins on the outside.

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Rollins used some speed and outsmarted the Styles. The Visionary launched himself through the ropes and took out his opponent. Styles fell over the announce table on impact as we went into a commercial break. After returning, Rollins delivered a devastating kick to AJ’s jaw for a two count. Rollins looked to follow up with a Curb Stomp but Styles countered into a Calf Crusher.

Seth hit an Enzuigiri and Styles replied with a Pele kick. Both men looked spent but continued to brawl. They exchanged a series of punches as the crowd cheered and booed along for Styles and Rollins respectively. Styles hit a snap suplex to Rollins and sent him neck-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Styles attempted a Phenomenal Forearm but Rollins evaded.

The former Shield member hit a Buckle bomb and tried to follow up with a Frog Splash but Styles rolled out of the way. In the end, Styles was looking for a Styles Clash but Rollins countered with a sunset flip to pick up the victory.

Winner – Seth Rollins

Grade – A

Riddle versus Ciampa

Riddle looked for an armbar but Ciampa managed to block. Ciampa showed some great strength to rattle Riddle. The former two-time NXT Champion hit a DDT and took control of the match. This was until Riddle licked up lCe with a flurry of kicks. Riddle hit a bodyslam followed by a DDT from the middle rope.

Riddle looked to go for the RKO but Ciampa managed to counter. Ciampa hit a running knee for a near fall. Riddle came back into the match as he delivered a Floating Bro followed by an RKO to pick up the victory.

Winner – Riddle

Grade – B+

Bianca Belair comes out to the ring for an interview

Kevin Patrick interviewed Bianca Belair in the ring. She said she was ready to face Rhea Ripley. Belair said there was mutual respect between them. However, after joining The Judgement Day, Belair isn’t able to recognise her. The Judgement Day appeared on the Tron. Ripley said that The Judgement Day speaks through their actions. Balor said they were tired of playing nice. Priest said that they knocked down Edge last week and now they have no leaders and are a team of equals. Ripley said that she will eradicate Belair from her existence and walk out of Money in the Bank as a two-time RAW Women’s Champion.

Theory was interviewed backstage and asked about his chances against Bobby Lashley in a Pose Down competition later on in the night. Theory said he has been on a different level these days and called himself as the best investment made by Vince McMahon. The youngster once again referenced John Cena saying that when WWE celebrates him after 20 years, his achievements will make Cena’s 20-year anniversary celebration seem like nothing.

Chad Gable versus Mustafa Ali

Gable was in total control of the match from the time the match got underway. Ali was unable to muster any offense. Gable attempted a moonsault off the top rope but Ali managed to roll away.

Ali finally managed to get back in the match with a Tornado DDT off the ropes. Ali climbed the top rope but Otis got involved. Otis received a kick from Ali for his efforts. However, Gable took advantage of the distraction as he hit a German Suplex and got the three count.

Winner – Chad Gable

Grade – B

Veer Mahaan versus Rey Mysterio

Veer Mahaan was all over Rey Mysterio as the match got underway. A number of kicks rattled the veteran. Mahaan dumped Mysterio out of the ring. Back inside, Rey dodged an elbow drop. Mysterio used a hurricanrana to send Mahaan face-first into the top turnbuckle. Mahaan sent Mysterio into the corner and rushed towards the Master of 619. However, Mysterio evaded disaster as Mahaan went shoulder-first into the ring post.

Outside the ring, Dominik was rooting for his dad but took his eye off Mahaan. The heel hit Dominik with a big boot and clotheslined him over the barricade. Mahaan returned to the ring and won the match with ease with the Cervical Clutch.

Winner – Veer Mahaan

Grade – C

A huge Money in the Bank qualifying match was announced for next week on RAW. Becky Lynch will square off against Asuka once again and we are guaranteed to have another thrilling match.

Elias would be returning to RAW next week for a concert.

Theory versus Bobby Lashley – Pose-down

Adam Pearce was in the ring to begin the Pose-down. He laid down the ground rules. Pearce asked Theory to get up to the podium. However, Theory started talking trash. Pearce warned Theory that if he doesn’t get up on the podium then he will disqualify him right away.

Theory got up to the podium and the first pose was the Double Bicep followed by Side Chest and Most Muscular. Vince McMahon’s protege posed well but once Lashley began to pose, it was all one-way traffic. The crowd obviously decided that the Almighty was the winner of the Pose-down. Theory wasn’t thrilled with the verdict. He sprayed baby oil on Lashley’s eyes and dropkicked him out of the ring. Theory took selfies in the ring to celebrate his cowardly act.

Overall Show Grade – B

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