WWE RAW Results, winners, and grades, 18 Apr 2022: A title changes hands and Cody Rhodes faces an opponent of Seth Rollins’ choosing

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WWE RAW Results, winners, and grades: AJ Styles was ambushed by Damien Priest and Edge while The Street Profits pulled off an important victory over RK-Bro.

And, we start with the RAW results, winners, and grades.

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Seth Rollins’ challenge for Cody Rhodes

Seth Rollins came out to the ring and called out Cody. He said he was better than Cody in all aspects and claimed he made The American Nightmare a star in one night at WrestleMania 38.

Rollins said he wasn’t aware of his opponent at WrestleMania so he couldn’t prepare. Cody should also face the same situation. He challenged Cody to have a match later in the night with an opponent of The Visionary’s choosing. Cody said he didn’t return to WWE to run from challenges. He accepted and the match was on.

Boss and Glow (Naomi and Sasha Banks) (c) versus Live 4 Brutality (Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley) – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match

Banks and Ripley started proceedings. Dropkick and shoulder thrusts in the corner from Ripley on Banks. Liv was tagged in as the challengers took out the champions in the early goings.

Later on, Naomi and Sasha double-teamed to push Liv against the ring post. In a brilliant spot towards the end, Ripley delivered the Riptide and cover Naomi. At the same time, Sasha Banks delivered a backstabber on Liv and broke the pin just in time.

Naomi and Sasha used their double-team finisher on Ripley to win the match and retain their titles. After the match, Ripley and Morgan engaged in a war of words. As Liv was walking out of the ring, Ripley attacked her from behind and delivered a Riptide, thus turning heel.

Result – Sasha Banks and Naomi beat Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley

Grade – B

Sonya Deville versus Bianca Belair scheduled for next week on RAW

Sonya Deville came out to the ring and addressed the accusations from people around her about abusing her powers. Deville said she was always a wrestler and still is. She was forced into the role of a WWE official and she made the most of it.

She said it was nothing personal against Bianca but she just wanted to fight the best. Bianca walked out to the middle. She wanted to have the match right then. However, Deville said she would beat her in the place where Bianca will hate losing and that is at her hometown in Knoxville, Tennessee where next week’s RAW is scheduled.

Deville taunted Belair and the latter had enough. She picked her up on her shoulders and set up for a KOD. Sonya, however, threatened to take the RAW Women’s Championship off her and suspend her if she dropped her. Bianca flexed a few times with Deville before dropping her and exited.

Veer Mahaan versus Jeff Brooks

Veer Mahaan decimated the enhancement talent, Jeff Brooks, in this squash match. A million-dollar arm followed by a cervical clutch and Brooks submitted instantly.

Mahaan continued his attack even after the match had ended and much like last week, the officials came out to stop the assault as Brooke was stretchered backstage.

Result – Veer Mahaan beat Jeff Brooks

Grade – D

Pearce confronted Deville backstage. He warned her that investigations were being carried out in accordance with her conduct. After Deville’s complaints about Bianca, Pearce said the EST of WWE was being fined.

Bianca came into the room and gave Pearce a one dollar note and Deville wasn’t happy at all with such a small fine being levied. Pearce said he did it by the book.

Lie detector test

Kevin Owens had Chad Gable for company on the KO Show. KO said he would have taken the test himself but he didn’t want him to be seen as biased so he called the smartest man in WWE – Chad Gable.

Ezekiel entered the ring and he was hooked to the machine. They started off with some easy questions. Then Ezekiel was asked if his true name was Ezekiel and he replied in the affirmative and the machine agreed.

Owens asked him if his real name was Elias and Ezekiel said no and once again the machine agreed. KO and Ezekiel got involved in a war of words before Owens exited and Gable took advantage of the distraction to attack from behind.

Ezekiel versus Chad Gable

The match went back and forth as both competitors dished out their repertoire of offensive moves. Towards the closing stages of the match, Ezekiel took an Exploder suplex from Gable and returned with a spinning spinebuster and followed it up with an Achilles lock.

Otis blindsided Ezekiel to save Gable. Ezekiel won the match by disqualification and this was his first win after coming to WWE.

Result – Ezekiel beat Chad Gable

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Grade – B

RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Matt Riddle) versus Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins)

Randy Orton and Angelo Dawkins got us underway. Headlock from Orton but Dawkins freed himself and surprised Orton with a great display of athleticism. Orton tagged in Riddle and double-teamed on Dawkins before Montez Ford was tagged in. Ford laid out Riddle temporarily and climbed the ropes but Riddle caught him and delivered a thunderous belly-to-belly throw.

Towards the later stages of the match, Orton laid out Dawkins and tagged Riddle. Riddle was setting up for the RKO when Montez Ford on the apron seemed to call for something. The Usos’ music hit and RK-Bro got distracted. Ford took Orton out and delivered a spectacular double-team move on Riddle to win the match. After the match, they said that The Usos aren’t the only team that RK-Bro should worry about. The Street Profits are coming for them and they want the smoke.

Result – Street Profits beat RK-Bro

Grade – A

Edge challenges AJ Styles to a match at WrestleMania Backlash

Edge and Damien Priest cut a promo from inside a dark room with a blue light on. The Rated-R Superstar explained what happened last week towards the end of AJ Styles versus Priest match. He reminded the WWE Universe that he always had the demented side inside him since his days with The Brood and Ministry of Darkness. Last week was all about mind games. Edge challenged Styles to a match at WrestleMania Backlash.

Backstage, Styles was asked if he accepts the challenge. Styles answered in the affirmative. The lights flickered and then turned blue as Styles was surrounded by Edge and Priest and then ambushed by the duo.

Finn Balor (c) versus Theory – WWE United States Championship match

Theory took early control of the match with a neckbreaker from the apron onto the floor. Theory continued to wear down his opponent until Balor gained some momentum by delivering a flying forearm but Theory once again retained control with a fallaway slam. Balor once again got back into the match as he countered an attempted dropkick with a powerbomb. A dropkick from Balor on the jaw and he went for the Coup de Grace but Theory dropped him spectacularly.

Towards the end of the match, Balor tried another Coup de Grace but Theory rolled away and delivered his finisher to win the gold. He was celebrating with the title when heel superstars joined him in the ring. After some time, Vince McMahon’s music hit. The Chairman of WWE came out to the stage area and Theory went to him for a selfie and Vince raised his hand to close the segment.

Result -Theory beat Finn Balor

Grade – B

Double commitment ceremony

R-Truth introduced Dana Brooke and Tamina to the ring. Sasha Banks and Naomi were the bridesmaids of Tamina. Dana started with her vows first. The crowd played along with R-Truth to make this segment fun. Reggie delivered his vows. Over to Tamina and Akira Tozawa and they just said “same” but later on Tamina handed over Tozawa to Brooke and took Reggie as her husband before changing once again and joining Brooke and confining Tozawa to Reggie.

As Tamina was about to kiss Brooke, Truth came up with his legendary one-liner “I don’t even know if that’s pg.” Tamina and Dana finally settled with their initial grooms. Tozawa and Reggie put on the rings on their respective brides. Truth said they could start with the kissing.

Reggie kissed Brooke into a cover and a referee appeared out of nowhere for a three count. Tamina big-booted Reggie to win the title from him. Tozawa rolled up Tamina to win the title and Brooke took her title back after delivering a crossbody from the ropes as she jumped onto Truth’s back as the two exited the stage area to close the segment.

Omos challenged Bobby Lashley to an arm-wrestling match next week on RAW which the Almighty accepted.

Cody Rhodes versus an opponent of Seth Rollins’s choosing

Kevin Owens was the opponent that Seth Rollins chose for Cody. KO and Rollins hugged at the stage area. Owens started the match a step ahead of Cody. KO focused his attack on Cody’s left arm. The former Universal Champion kept on wearing down Cody. A snap suplex from KO but Cody kicked out. KO tried to go for another suplex but Cody dropped him face first.

The American Nightmare went for Cross Rhodes but Owens dropped him. KO went for a senton off the top rope but Cody got his knees up. KO went outside the ring to take a breather but Cody launched himself onto KO as both men fell onto the announce table and onto the floor. Seth Rollins’ music hit as The Visionary came out to have a close look at his WrestleMania Backlash opponent.

Owens and Cody battled on the top rope before the former headbutted his opponent down on the mat. A frog splash and a senton followed but Cody wouldn’t give up. A Pop up powerbomb but it wasn’t enough. A fisherman suplex from the top rope by Owens and the cover but Cody got his feet on the rope.

Owens was sent outside as the referee began the count. Rollins yelled to Owens, “get your ass up in the ring” and the latter took offense and left the stage area to hand over Cody a count out victory. As Cody perched up on the top rope to acknowledge the crowd, Rollins pushed him from behind and Cody landed on the floor to end the show.

Result – Cody Rhodes beat Kevin Owens

Grade – A

Overall show grade – B

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