WWE Raw Results, winners, and grades, 1st August 2022: Undisputed Tag Team titles will be on the line

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We start with the Raw results, winners, and grades.

Rey and Dominik Mysterio will have a chance to become two-time tag team champions when they take on The Usos on this week’s episode of RAW. Also, the new No. 1 contender for the United States Championship will be decided on the show.

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Becky Lynch comes out to the ring with her arm in a sling

Becky Lynch revealed she had separated her shoulder during her match at SummerSlam. She said she fought for 20 minutes after the injury and those moments were quite painful. She said she won’t be defined by any man as she is the one who defines the man. Big Time Becks credited Bianca Belair for bringing the best out of her. Lynch called out The EST to thank her.

Belair came out to the ring and hugged the former champion. Lynch said that she will see her down the road. The veteran left the ring. Belair said that she has not forgotten how many times Lynch has betrayed her but now they have a lot of mutual respect for each other.

On the tron, Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Skyo were spotted assaulting Lynch with a steel chair. Belair rushed to the aid of The Man but by the time the champion made it to the scene, the damage had been done and the heels had fled.

AJ Styles versus The Miz versus Mustafa Ali – Winner will get a No. 1 contender’s match for the United States Championship

The Miz left the ring as the match got underway. Before Ali and Styles could begin brawling, Miz pulled the former Retribution leader outside the ring. Styles took Miz out with a dropkick. A few moments later, Miz pulled Styles out of the ring and slammed his head on the announce table. Ali wiped the heel outside the ring. Back in the ring, Styles got his head slammed on the middle turnbuckle.

The A-Lister delivered a big boot to Styles and a DDT to Ali. The It kicks rattled Styles before an enziguri knocked out Miz. Ali delivered a neckbreaker to Styles. The Phenomenal One delivered a Pele Kick to The Miz. Outside the ring, Ali hit Styles with a Tornado DDT. Miz hit a Skull Crushing Finale on Ali but could not get the cover quickly enough. In the end, Ali hit a 450 splash on The Miz. However, Styles struck with the Styles Clash on Ali and he landed on The Miz. Styles covered Ali to pick up the win.

Winner – AJ Styles

Grade – B+

Bayley and her new friends were interviewed backstage. The Role Model was asked why she and her stablemates attacked Becky Lynch a few moments ago. Bayley said that it was about no one else but them.

Seth Rollins comes out to the ring

Seth Rollins agreed that Riddle showed a lot of guts by calling him out at SummerSlam while not being fully fit. However, there’s a thin line between being gutsy and being stupid. Now, Riddle is out with a career-threatening injury. Rollins said he can now focus on Roman Reigns and the WWE Universal Championship.

The Street Profits made their way to the stage area. Rollins called them the biggest losers in WWE. He said that they had lost to The Usos a million times. The Visionary suggested that the two of them should split up. Rollins said that he would love to fight them but they are two and it won’t be fair to him to face two men alone. However, Angelo Dawkins said that he and Ford will have a game of stone, paper, and scissors and the winner will face Rollins. Dawkins called a referee to the scene. Ford tricked Dawkins and pulled the referee along with him to the ring.

Seth Rollins versus Montez Ford

Montez Ford hit a Superkick to start the match but the veteran took control of the match from that point onwards. Rollins hit a gutbuster and began wearing down the babyface. The former world champion assaulted Ford whilst trash-talking continuously. Ford managed to muster some offense as he took out Rollins with a crossbody.

Both men began trading blows in the middle of the ring. Ford got the better of the exchange. A standing moonsault by Ford earned him a near fall. A standing Blockbuster from Ford but Rollins hung on.

Rollins hit Ford with a Superkick but couldn’t get the win. A spectacular Tornado DDT from Ford took out Rollins. Ford went for the cover but Rollins got to the ropes to break the count. Rollins hit a Buckle Bomb followed by a Falcon Arrow and went for the cover but Ford miraculously kicked out. Towards the closing moments of the match, Rollins missed a frog splash. Ford tried a frog splash of his own but Rollins got his knees up. A Curb Stomp followed and the heel finally got the win.

After the match, Rollins was about to hit Ford with another Stomp but Dawkins rushed out to the ring to stop him in his tracks.

Winner – Seth Rollins

Grade – A

Alexa Bliss versus Asuka

Both women shook hands before beginning to brawl. Bliss hit Asuka with a superkick. The Empress of Tomorrow stepped up with a series of kicks followed by a German Suplex.

Bayley, Dakota Kai, and Iyo Sky came out to the ring and attacked the two veterans. Bianca Belair rushed out to the ring as the heel faction retreated. The RAW Women’s Champion said that she wants a match tonight against anyone among the three heels.

Result – No contest

Ciampa versus Dolph Ziggler versus Chad Gable – Winner will face AJ Styles in a No. 1 contender’s match for the United States Championship

Chad Gable and Ciampa formed an alliance to wear down Dolph Ziggler. That didn’t last long as Gable slammed Ciampa after a brief shoosh battle. Ziggler delivered a Famouser on Gable for a near fall.

Gable came back strongly and applied an ankle lock on Ziggler. Ciampa took out Gable. Ciampa tried to hit Gable with a running knee but Gable sidestepped and hit the Blackheart with German Suplex. At the same moment, Ziggler hit a Zig Zag. Eventually, Ciampa hit Gable with a knee strike followed by a Fairytale Ending to pick up the win.

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Winner – Ciampa

Grade – B

Edge comes out to the ring

The WWE Hall of Famer received a thunderous ovation. He apologized for being an “asshole” in his previous run as a heel. He thought he would bring out the best of Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, and Finn Balor. However, they thought they had learned everything that he had to teach. The Rated-R Superstar said that it is time he ends The Judgement Day.

Bianca Belair versus Iyo Sky

Belair hit Sky with a dropkick. The Japanese star came back with a moonsault wiping out The EST outside the ring. Upon returning from a commercial break, Belair delivered a bodyslam on Sky. She followed up with a dropkick.

Sky took out Belair with a Russian leg sweep. She delivered a crossbody from the top rope but Belair rolled through to deliver a fall-away slam. Another bodyslam followed. Belair made her way to the top rope but Bayley and Kai appeared ringside as the champion got distracted. Sky took advantage and delivered a hurricanrana.

Belair fought back as she hit a suplex. KOD was attempted but Sky managed to counter the move. Outside the ring, Sky was slammed into the barricade. As Belair was about to get Sky back in the ring, Bayley and Kai sat on the ring apron to spoil her plan.

Asuka and Alexa Bliss came out to the ringside to even the odds. After a commercial break, Belair and Sky resumed their brawl inside the ring. Belair attempted a moonsault but Sky got her knees up. Bayley tripped Belair and all six women began to brawl inside the ring. Referees and officials came out to the ring to separate them. After struggling initially, they finally managed to pull them apart.

Result – No contest

AJ Styles versus Ciampa – No. 1 contender’s match for the United States Championship

Ciampa took initial control of the match applying a headlock on Styles. The Phenomenal One came roaring back but Ciampa sent him shoulder-first into the ring post to get back on top.

Ciampa hit Styles with a vicious knee strike. Styles attempted a Pele kick but Ciampa moved out of the way. Before a commercial break, Styles wiped out Ciampa outside the ring as The Miz sported a look of concern at ringside.

After the break, Styles unleashed a flurry of offensive moves on Ciampa. Styles attempted the Styles Clash but Ciampa blocked it and hit a couple of right hands to the back of his opponent’s head. Styles escaped a running knee strike. A suplex sent the heel into the turnbuckle. Styles attempted the Phenomenal Forearm but was caught in mid-air by a vicious knee strike. Ciampa set Styles up on the top rope. After trading blows, Styles managed to deliver a Styles Clash. Styles went for the cover but Miz put Ciampa’s foot on the rope to break the count.

Styles went outside the ring and clotheslined Miz over the barricade. Ciampa sent Styles into the ring post and then over the barricade. The heel returned back to the ring. Miz caught hold of Styles’ leg and almost stopped him from returning to the ring before the 10-count. As Styles somehow managed to make it back to the ring, Ciampa hit him with a knee strike followed by a Fairytale Ending to win the match.

Winner – Ciampa

Grade – A

Bobby Lashley was interviewed backstage. He said that he humbled Theory at SummerSlam. He praised Ciampa by calling him a brawler but said that he will be taught a lesson soon.

The Usos (c) versus Rey and Dominik Mysterio – Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match

The Mysterios got off to a rollicking start as the match got underway. They dumped The Usos outside the ring. After a commercial break though, the champions took control of the action. Rey Mysterio was isolated on the Corner of The Usos. Jey delivered a back breaker followed by a hip attack. Jimmy got the tag in but he was sent into the ring post by the Master of the 619. Dominik got the tag in. He delivered a couple of neck breakers to Jimmy and Jey. Jimmy got hit with a dropkick. Dom tried to take out both the heels with a crossbody outside the ring. However, The Usos managed to catch him and sent the youngster spine-first into the ring post.

Dom delivered a Tornado DDT to Jimmy Uso after a commercial break. Rey got the tag. He changed the pace of the match taking out The Usos. This was until Jey hit a Superkick on Rey from mid-air. Dom returned and he along with his father delivered a double 619 on Jimmy. Dom hit a frog splash on Jimmy and went for the cover. However, Jey made it in time to make the save. Dom and Jimmy brawled on the top rope. The former managed to drop Jimmy. Dom went for the 619 but Jey had made the tag. The champions executed the 3D to pick up the win.

The Judgement Day attacked Rey and Dominik after the match. Edge came out to make the save. He cleaned house but as he was about to hit a spear on Balor, Ripley pushed Dom in the line of fire and the youngster ate all of it. Edge chased Balor into the crowd area as Rey helplessly checked on his son.

Winners – The Usos

Grade – B

Overall show grade – B+

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