We start with the Raw results, winners, and grades.

Elias returns this week on RAW for a concert. It’s been a long time coming. What’s next for the Bobby Lashley-Theory feud? A lot of things to keep an eye on as this week’s RAW gets underway.

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Bianca Belair comes out to the ring

Bianca Belair welcomed us to the “freshest and finest show” on television. However, she had a bad news to share. The EST said that the Nightmare won’t be able to recover in time before Money in the Bank as she is injured. Belair said that there will be a fatal-five-way match to determine the no. 1 contender for her title. Becky Lynch interrupted Belair as she made her way to the ring. The Man said that she is yet to receive her one-on-one title rematch. However, once she does manage to regain the title, it will be really sweet. Asuka interrupted her and made her way to the ring. The Empress of Tomorrow called Lynch a Big Time Baby.

Liv Morgan came down to the ring and told Lynch that she would happily trade her Money in the Bank ladder match spot for a one-on-one match with Belair for the RAW Women’s Championship. Carmella came out to the ring and said that everyone is champion except Liv Morgan so it’s better that she is removed from the match. Alexa Bliss came out to the ring and called Carmella someone who has never achieved success on her own. Belair intervened and said that the time for talking is over and the fans want some action. We went into a break and after returning, we will get to see the all-important fatal-five-way match.

Alexa Bliss versus Liv Morgan versus Carmela versus Becky Lynch versus Asuka – Fatal-five-way match to determine the no. 1 contender for the RAW Women’s Championship

Liv Morgan and Alexa Bliss brawled in the middle of the ring and were reversing each other’s pinfall attempts. Carmella came out to the ring but was dropped by Bliss. Lynch tried to hit a leg drop from the top rope but Bliss evaded and sent her out of the ring with a hurricanrana. Carmella returned as she was all over The Goddess. Liv returned to the ring and flattened Carmella.

However, as the former Riott Squad member went up to the top rope, Carmella pushed her off and she took out Lynch, Asuka, and Bliss on the outside. Back inside the ring, Lynch delivered a Bexploder Suplex to send Bliss out of the ring. Morgan hit a missile dropkick from the top rope to drop Lynch. Carmella returned to the ring and showed some great agility to launch Lynch off the top rope and sent her crashing into Morgan.

Asuka almost got the Asuka Lock on Carmella. Lynch took out Carmella and dropped Asuka with a Manhandle Slam. Bliss delivered Twisted Bliss to break Lynch’s pinfall attempt on Asuka.

Eventually, it was Carmella, who picked up the victory as she hit a Superkick on Morgan and covered for the three count.

Winner – Carmella

Grade – A

After the match, Becky Lynch went to Adam Pearce backstage and began complaining. She wanted a spot in the women’s Money in the Bank ladder match. Pearce said that she will face Asuka later on the show.

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring

Vince McMahon addressed the WWE Universe. He said that RAW has been going on for 30 years and the superstar that has dominated 20 of the 30 years, John Cena, will be returning next week.

We saw a video package from last week’s main event of SmackDown. Reigns defeated Riddle but after the match, the Tribal Chief was laid out with an F5 from the returning Brock Lesnar.

Riddle said that he has let himself, the WWE Universe, and Randy Orton down after losing to Roman Reigns on SmackDown. However, he came back saying that might be down but certainly not out. Riddle said that if he can win the Money in the Bank match, he can cash it in on Reigns to get his revenge. The Ultimate Bro spoke about the competition he could face in the men’s Money in the Bank match. MVP and Omos interrupted him. MVP said that Riddle won’t make it to Money in the Bank as he has a 7 feet 3-inch challenge in front of him. The 36-year-old said that he will raise his hands and deliver the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment to the giant Omos.

Riddle versus Omos – Men’s Money in the Bank qualifying match

Riddle went after Omos as the match got underway. However, the Nigerian giant hit a sidewalk slam to slow down the former United States Champion. Riddle was driven hard into the corner as we saw Seth Rollins watching the match from backstage. The RAW Tag Team Champion tried fighting back but Omos locked in a bear hug to wear his opponent down. Riddle fought out with a series of elbows. Omos tried to hit a Chokeslam but Riddle hit a high knee to rattle Omos. Riddle hit a Floating Bro but he still couldn’t take Omos off his feet.

Riddle tried to hit the RKO but the Nigerian star picked up the victory with a Double-handed Chokeslam. After the match, Omos hit another Double-handed Chokeslam on Riddle.

Winner – Omos

Grade – B

Seth Rollins finds the opportune moment to attack Riddle

Rollins came out to the ring. Riddle had mentioned Rollins’ name during his promo before the match and he didn’t have good things to say about the Visionary. The former Shield member attacked Riddle and sent him outside the ring. Rollins took a microphone and said that he doesn’t hang with losers. He called Riddle an ultimate loser. First, he lost his tag team partner Randy Orton and then lost his match against Reigns. He also lost his chance to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match. Rollins said that if the first time he cashed in the Money in the Bank contract was special, the WWE Universe hasn’t seen anything yet. Rollins said that Reigns has been evading him but it’s going to stop after he wins the Money in the Bank. Riddle came back to get his revenge but Rollins took him out with a Curb Stomp.

United States Champion Theory comes out to the ring

Theory came to the ring and stood up on a podium. He said he is the youngest and greatest United States Champion of all time. He said that at this point in his career, he is better than Bobby Lashley. Theory again took a dig at John Cena. He said that Cena’s time is up while his time is now.

Theory once again started posing in the middle of the ring. Bobby Lashley was waiting behind him and Theory had no idea what was waiting for him. Lashley took his revenge from last week as he sprayed baby oil on Theory’s eyes. The Almighty hit a thunderous spear to take Theory down from the podium and send him outside the ring. Lashley said that the United States Championship will be coming home with him.

Theory was interviewed backstage and asked about his answer to Lashley’s challenge for the United States Championship. Theory said that he went to Adam Pearce’s office and suggested that Lashley will have to beat 3 opponents later in the night in a gauntlet match, and only then, he will defend the United States Championship against the former WWE Champion.

Jey Uso versus Angelo Dawkins

The Usos and The Street Profits engaged in a war of words before the match started. As the match got underway, Dawkins began strong with some unique offense but Jey took control with and sent Dawkins outside the ring.

Jey followed up with a clothesline to send Dawkins over the barricade. Back in the ring, both men dished out some heavy blows. A Superkick from Jey Uso but Dawkins came back with a back elbow. Jey hit a unique neckbreaker for a near fall.

Jey received a huge right hand but returned with a Superkick. The Bloodline member went up onto the top rope and launched himself. However, much to his chagrin, Dawkins caught him and delivered a vicious Powerbomb to get the victory.

Winner – Angelo Dawkins

Grade – B

We saw Ezekiel and Elias have a chat on a sofa. Elias said that nothing is more special to him than performing in front of the WWE Universe. Ezekiel received some advice from Elias as he told him not to get ahead of himself.

Elias performs for the WWE Universe

Elias thanked the WWE Universe for taking care of his brother Ezekiel. He began dedicating a song for Ezekiel but Kevin Owens interrupted him. Owens came out to the ring and said that the video proved nothing as the movie people can do anything and everything.

Ezekiel came up on the tron and said that Owens should get over it. Elias dedicated a little song for Owens. Owens threw away Elias’ guitar. However, the former Universal Champion had a guitar broken on his back courtesy of Elias. As Owens somehow made his way backstage, he was interviewed by Kevin Patrick. Owens was asked if he was convinced but he wasn’t. Owens challenged Ezekiel or Elias to a match next week. Ezekiel came up to Owens and said he accepts the challenge. Owens was beside himself as the segment drew to a close.

Bobby Lashley faces 3 opponents in a gauntlet match – If he wins all three matches then he will face Theory for the United States Championship

Bobby Lashley versus Chad Gable

Lashley began to wear down Gable with a headlock as the match got underway. Gable delivered a chop and sooshed everyone. He received a neckbreaker for his effort and got sent outside the ring off the apron. Lashley sent Gable into the barricade. The Almighty lifted Gable on his shoulders and sent him into the ring post. Back inside the ring, Lashley lifted Gable up over his shoulders and kept him upside down for quite some time before dropping him. Lashley went for a spear but Gable countered and got an ankle lock in place. Lashley managed to counter but Gable hit him with a moonsault after launching himself off the top rope. The former WWE Champion won the match eventually as Gable tapped out to the Hurt lock.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Grade – B

Bobby Lashley versus Otis

Otis attacked Lashley from behind as the previous match ended. The Tree Trunk sent Lashley into the barricade followed by the ring post. After a commercial break, we saw Otis wearing down the veteran. Lashley tried fighting back but Otis kept on dominating with a clothesline followed by an elbow drop. Lashley came back into the match as he planted Otis face-first onto the mat. Otis got hit with a spear as Lashley went for the cover. Gable, however, attacked Lashley, and soon, Otis joined in. Gable and Otis sent Lashley into the ring post. The former Heavy Machinery member flattened Lashley as Theory made his way to the ring.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Grade – B

Bobby Lashley versus Theory

Theory took advantage of a worn-out Lashley as he hit a rolling dropkick. Theory was about to hit A-Town Down but Lashley countered into a cradle cover for the victory.

Bobby Lashley will now face Theory for the United States Championship at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Grade – D

Bianca Belair was interviewed backstage. She said she wasn’t going to underestimate Carmella. The EST said that she will treat her the same way as Rhea Ripley. Carmella came from behind and took out Belair.

Miz TV with AJ Styles as special guest

The Miz said that he felt embarrassed for AJ Styles. The A-Lister said that Styles wanted to even the odds against The Judgement Day and because of that he teamed with Finn Balor. However, Balor himself joined the faction. Styles failed to qualify for the Money in the Bank match while his former tag team partner Omos didn’t. Miz tried to rub salt in Styles’ wound. However, Styles said that Miz is a failure because his wife Maryse married a person with small popcorn-sized balls. Miz was furious and said that his balls were not becoming a thing but fans thought otherwise. Eventually, Styles hit The Miz with a right but he was sent out of the ring by Ciampa, who attacked the Phenomenal One from behind.

Ciampa versus AJ Styles

Ciampa dominated the proceedings as the match began. He hit a couple of high knees and followed it up with a neckbreaker. However, Styles came back with a Backbreaker followed by a Phenomenal Forearm to pick up the victory.

After the match, Miz came to the ring to get a piece of Styles. However, Styles was ready as he hit a Pele Kick followed by a Styles Clash to stand tall as the segment came to a close.

Winner – AJ Styles

Grade – B

Veer Mahaan was interviewed in the stage area. He said that he won’t stop in his quest to conquer WWE. After delivering an ominous promo, Mahaan exited.

Becky Lynch versus Asuka – Women’s Money in the Bank qualification match

Becky Lynch was in the ring as Asuka was making her entrance. Lynch was unwilling to wait and rushed to the stage area to begin the brawl with her nemesis. Back inside the ring, the match got underway. Asuka tried locking in the Asuka lock but The Man escaped. Asuka hit a hip attack to send Lynch outside the ring. Lynch went up on the top and launched herself but Asuka evaded. Asuka hit a dropkick to rattle Lunch. The 40-year-old went up on the top rope but Lynch pushed her off it and dropped her onto the mat on the outside.

Lynch and Asuka went back and forth in the ring. Asuka used her unique offensive moves and followed up with a German Suplex to build momentum. Asuka hit another hip attack to get a near fall. Lynch tried to get the Asuka lock in but the latter managed to counter into an ankle lock.

Asuka went up on the top rope and delivered a dropkick for another near fall. Lynch delivered a leg drop on the ring apron. She looked to follow up by launching herself into Asuka but the Japanese wrestler used her knee to take out her arch-rival. In the end, it was Asuka who booked her ticket to the Money in the Bank match after delivering a Buzzsaw kick. Lynch was irate on the outside as she dismantled the announce desk.

Winner – Asuka

Grade – A

Overall Show Grade – B+

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