WWE RAW Results, winners, and grades, 25 Apr 2022: Two surprise returns and a heel turn

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WWE RAW Results, winners, and grades: Tommaso Ciampa turned heel and attacked a returning Mustafa Ali

And, we start with the RAW results, winners, and grades.

Raw Results

Celebrating 20 years of Randy Orton in WWE

We started the show with Matt Riddle inside the ring and the RAW roster outside the ring and it was to celebrate Randy Orton’s 20 years in WWE. Riddle showed us a vignette of Orton on the tron. Then he introduced his best friend to the ring. Orton came out to the ring and hailed the greats he has been in the ring with. The likes of John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Mick Foley. Orton even hailed Mick Foley because he was the reason why he became the Legend Killer. Orton said he is going nowhere.

Riddle said he has a surprise for him and called out Cody Rhodes to the ring. The fans were surely taken on a nostalgia trip as the former Legacy partners hugged each other in the ring. Seth Rollins, who was sitting at the announce desk came into the ring mocking Rhodes and saying tonight’s not about him but Randy. However, both Rhodes and Randy are past their primes according to Rollins. Ezekiel came into the ring and introduced him as Ellias’ younger brother. Orton offered him a handshake which Ezekiel accepted happily.

Kevin Owens came out through the crowd and called Ezekiel a liar for the umpteenth time. The Usos made their entrance and bragged about how they would beat RK-Bro to become the Unified Tag Team Champions. Adam Pearce came to the stage area and announced that in commemoration of Randy Orton’s 20 years in WWE, the main event will see Cody Rhodes and Ezekiel team up with RK-Bro to face The Usos, Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins in an 8-man tag team match.

Bianca Belair (c) versus Sonya Deville – RAW Women’s Championship

Bianca sent Sonya outside the ring early on.. Sonya pulled Bianca outside the ring. The EST threw Deville over the announce table and got back in the ring. Sonya failed to make it to the ring before the 10 count handing Bianca the victory but the on-screen authority figure changed the rule of the match to a No count outs one and restarted the bout. Bianca attacked Sonya outside the ring and both women pushed each other into the ring apron.

Sonya pulled Bianca by her hair but it wasn’t a clever move as the champion used her hair to toss her over the barricade. Sonya attacked Bianca with a steel chair causing a disqualification. However, Sonya once again changed the rule of the match saying it’s a no disqualification no count out match.

She called out former Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina to the ring. Zelina, Carmella, and Deville began a 3-on-1 assault on Bianca. The talented Bianca somehow managed to thwart Carmella and Zelina but Deville delivered a DDT on the steel chair on her. Bianca, however, kicked out at 2. Towards the end of the match, Bianca sent Deville into a chair that Zelina had set up. She followed it up with a KOD to pick up the victory.

Carmella and Zelina were arguing backstage over whose fault it was when Deville entered. She said they failed to do their job and won’t get a shot at the tag titles anymore. Zelina said she can’t come back from her word but Deville slapped her. Carmella tried to slap Deville but the latter said she shouldn’t think of doing that as she is still her boss. Deville slapped Carmella as well to end the segment.

Result – Bianca Belair beat Sonya Deville

Grade – B

Edge and Damien Priest were seen in a dark setting like last week. Edge said at WrestleMania AJ Styles couldn’t hit the Phenomenal Forearm. The Rated-R Superstar said he won’t be able to deliver the move with one good arm as he and Priest injured one arm of Styles last week. Edge advised Styles to stay at home and hug his kids with one good arm.

As for Damian Priest, he said Finn Balor’s time is up and Judgement Day is upon him.

Veer Mahaan versus Sam Smothers

In another squash match, Veer won the match with a Billion Dollar arm followed by a Cervical Clutch. After the match, he went outside the ring and slammed Smothers onto the announce table. Then he went on top of the table and locked in the Cervical Clutch once again before referees intervened.

Result – Veer Mahaan beat Sam Smothers

Grade – D

Bobby Lashley versus Omos – Arm-Wrestling Match

Bobby and Omos began as MVP continued talking trash to the former. The arm-wrestling match sent on for quite some time as the two competitors went back and forth before The Almighty won. As Lashley was celebrating, MVP tried hitting him from behind but the former WWE champion was ready.

However, he wasn’t ready for Omos as the big man assaulted Lashley. The Colossus slammed Bobby’s head into the arm wrestling table. Later, MVP ordered him to hit Bobby with the table as Omos used it to hit Bobby on the chest, a number of times before leaving.

Result – Bobby Lashley beat Omos

Dana Brooke and Reggie versus Tamina and Akira Tozawa – Mixed Tag Team Match

R-Truth was the special guest referee for this match. Reggie and Tozawa with arm drags. They tagged in the women as Tamina was about to use her power to drop Dana when the latter seemed to go for a kiss. However, Tamina tagged in Tozawa. Reggie took out Tozawa with a crossbody.

Tozawa followed with a spectacular kick and hit a senton to win the match. After the match ended, Tamina pulled down Dana by the hair and Tozawa went for the cover. Truth, however, picked him up and sent him into Tamina taking both of them out. Truth asked Dana to exit safely but rolled her up for the pin and counted himself but Dana broke out at 2 and escaped.

Result – Tamina and Akira Tozawa beat Dana Brooke and Reggie

Grade – C

Asuka returns to confront Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch made her way out to the ring on RAW for the first time since losing her RAW Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 38. Becky said it’s been three years since she came out to RAW without the title. She revealed she didn’t want to come to RAW as she didn’t know who Becky Lynch is without the title. Becky, however, said she will rise once again and win the title and no one will be able to take it back from her again.

But her promo was cut short by a returning Asuka. The Empress of Tomorrow said she will stop Becky as no one is ready for Asuka. Asuka flicked Becky’s nose and the latter swung a right at Asuka but she evaded and tried a roundhouse but the “Man” retreated.

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Street Profits cut a promo backstage saying they will be waiting for their chance to win the Unified Tag Team Championships.

Finn Balor versus Damian Priest

Edge was seated at the stage area on his chair during the match. Finn delivered a stomp and followed it up with a chop. Finn was still struggling with an injured neck he suffered against Theory last week. Priest went for a Chokeslam but Finn countered with a roll-up for a 2 count.

Finn used his quickness and dropped Priest with a kick. As he was about to go for Coup de Grace, Edge stood up and Finn got distracted. Priest delivered the Final Reckoning and then signaled for the finish and dropped Finn with a unique move to pick up the victory.

Result – Damian Priest beat Finn Balor

Grade – C

Miz TV with Theory as the special guest

We get an episode of Miz TV with the new United States Champion Theory as the special guest. Theory came to the ring and Miz said it’s like looking at the mirror. Theory said Miz was his inspiration growing up. The champion churned out Miz’s achievements as well. Theory came to himself and said he will prove to everyone that he is the best investment that Vince McMahon made.

Miz started giving Theory some advice when Mustafa Ali made his way to the ring. Before Ali could say something, Miz asked “You still work here?” And Theory asked, “Aren’t you the guy that took his ball and went home?” Miz mocked Ezekiel saying this is Mufasa, Mustafa Ali’s younger brother. Ali said he was out here to challenge Theory for the United States Championship tonight. However, Theory answered with a no.

Ali said he has only biceps and no balls. He went on to say that Theory ran away from the fight like The Miz. The A-lister said he doesn’t have a magic wand to make matches, but Theory said he has the wand as he messaged Vince McMahon and made a match between Ali and Miz official.

The Miz versus Mustafa Ali

Ali started off using his speed to good effect but soon the veteran took control with a big boot. Miz kept wearing down Ali. The beatdown continued for quite some time.

Ali, however, got a breather with a kick and picked up the pace. A rolling neckbreaker for a two count. Miz planted Ali with a DDT for only a two count. He went for the Figure 4 but Ali rolled him up for a 3 count.

As Ali was celebrating on the stage area, Tommaso Ciampa attacked him from behind, thus, turning heel.

Result – Mustafa Ali beat The Miz

Grade – B

Rhea Ripley was interviewed backstage. She was asked why she attacked Liv Morgan. Rhea said she won the RAW Women’s Championship after coming into the main roster for the first time but since she had been tossed into the tag division, she was being brought down to the level of her tag partners. She was interrupted by Liv Morgan as she attacked her and the officials had to intervene to pull the two women apart.

Backstage, we saw Owens and Rollins arguing over who has been the better friend to the other.

Cody Rhodes, Ezekiel and RK-Bro versus The Usos, Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens

The faces cleaned the ring as the heels regrouped on the outside. Ezekiel and Jimmy Uso got us underway. Ezekiel lifted Jimmy and kept him in the air for sometime showing off his strength and then dropped him face first. Riddle got the tag and dropped Jimmy and tagged in Orton. Cody was given the tag and the former Legacy members double-teamed on Jimmy. Jey made the tag that Cody didn’t see and dropped the American Nightmare with a Samoan drop.

The SmackDown Tag Team Champions kept wearing down Cody as Rollins enjoyed every bit of it. Rollins got in and was enjoying himself assaulting a hurt Cody but the former AEW star used his speed and athleticism to tag in Ezekiel. Ezekiel did his bit and tagged in Riddle who went for the Floating Bro but Uso distracted him and Rollins dropped him from the top rope. Riddle was isolated in his opponents’ corner as the heels kept on assaulting him turn by turn. Riddle went for the tag to Orton but Rollins pulled him down from the apron.

Owens hit the senton from the top rope on Riddle. Uso delivered a big kick to Riddle but the latter fell towards Orton as the Viper made the tag and took out three of his four opponents slamming them on the announce table.

Rollins came in and got hit with a Disaster Kick by Cody followed by RKO. Owens suffered the same fate. Jey got hit with an assisted RKO and Jimmy came flying from the top rope but was met by Orton with another RKO as the Legend Killer scored the pinfall victory for his team.

Result – Cody Rhodes, Ezekiel and RK-Bro beat The Usos, Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens

Grade – A

Overall Show grade – B

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