WWE Raw Results, winners, and grades, 27th June 2022: John Cena finally returns to WWE

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We start with the Raw results, winners, and grades.

The highly-anticipated homecoming of John Cena to WWE will finally happen this week on RAW. He was last seen at SummerSlam last year where he lost to Roman Reigns.

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Money in the Bank qualifying last chance battle royal

Veer Mahaan eliminated Akira Tozawa and Shelton Benjamin as the battle royal got underway. However, the Lion of WWE was eliminated by the trio of Mustafa Ali, Rey and Dominik Mysterio. R-Truth and Shanky began dancing before Mahal attacked the veteran from behind. The two Superstars from SmackDown eliminated Truth. Shanky, however, was betrayed by Mahal as the Modern Day Maharaja eliminated his apprentice.

Ciampa hit a devastating knee strike to knock Ali off the ring apron. The Blackheart was eliminated by AJ Styles, who pushed him into the ring post to eliminate the former NXT Champion. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler formed an alliance to eliminate Rey Mysterio. They tried to eliminate Riddle as well but the Ultimate Bro hanged in. Ricochet had the best moment in the match. T-Bar tossed him off the apron but the former Intercontinental champion managed to cling on to a ladder. The SmackDown star leaped off the ladder and eliminated T-Bar using a hurricanrana.

The A-Lister dived off the top rope and took out Riddle but the heel landed awkwardly and seemed to have hurt his leg. Riddle and Nakamura battled in the middle of the ring as The Miz was being treated by the medical team on the outside. Riddle eliminated Shinsuke Nakamura while AJ Styles eliminated Ricochet. Styles was all set to deliver a Phenomenal Forearm but Miz all of a sudden seemed fine as he pulled the former TNA star down to the outside and eliminated him.

The final two

We were left with only two men as one among Riddle and Miz would get the chance to go to Money in the Bank. Riddle hit a DDT off the middle rope and looked for an RKO but Miz countered with a Skull Crushing Finale. Towards the closing stages of the match, Riddle and Miz were standing precariously on the ring apron. Riddle dropped Miz with an RKO on the apron to eliminate the veteran.

Winner – Riddle

Grade – A

We saw The Street Profits involved a backstage segment with John Cena. The talented tag team said they became the no. 1 contenders to the unified tag team titles by defeating The Usos. However, that win was via countout. Cena reminded them that they were former NXT Tag Team Champions and RAW Tag Team Champions. By the end of the conversation, the Leader of Cenation managed to motivate Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins.

We saw vignettes from Shawn Michaels, Booker T, Trish Stratus, Big Show, and Triple H, praising the 16-time world champion John Cena.

Riddle was interviewed backstage and he talked about his win in the battle royal earlier on. He credited John Cena for providing him with some inspiration to get back on track after going through a tough phase over the past few weeks.

Jey Uso versus Montez Ford

Ford began with a headlock on Jey. The Bloodline member was stopped in his tracks courtesy of a shoulder tackle. Ford dropped Jey with an arm drag followed by a shoulder lock. As Jey managed to escape, Ford hit him with a dropkick. The heel finally managed to muster some offense as he sent his opponent into the steel steps on the outside.

Jey dominated the match for some time until Ford managed to strike back. Jey hit a pop-up neckbreaker for a near fall. Ford hit a Superkick to stop Jey in his tracks and followed up with a standing Blockbuster. Ford got up on the top rope but Jimmy distracted him. Dawkins took Jimmy out on the outside but Jey launched himself to take out the big man. Ford took revenge as he launched himself outside to take out Jey. In the end, it was Ford who delivered a frog splash to win the match.

Winner – Montez Ford

Grade – A

The Judgement Day confronts Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Finn Balor and Damian Priest confronted Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio backstage. Balor mentioned Rey’s achievements in WWE. However, the Archer of Infamy felt that the advice Rey has been giving to his son had not worked.

Priest said that the door was always open for people who are led on the wrong path by so-called leaders. Balor ended by saying that it might not be bad advice that is holding back Dom, but it might actually be a bad father. Rey challenged Balor and Priest to a tag team match for next week on RAW.

We saw a vignette of John Cena with his co-stars and fellow wrestlers praising him for his performances over the years.

Kevin Patrick welcomed The Miz to the ring. He was told that his former tag team partner Logan Paul was set to return to WWE. Miz said that he and Logan Paul will team up once again at SummerSlam and continue their domination. Patrick asked Miz about his current relationship with Paul because the A-Lister had delivered a Skull Crushing Finale to the social media star after their win against Rey and Dominik Mysterio at WrestleMania 38. Miz claimed that he told Paul after the match that the Skull Crushing Finale was a lesson he was teaching.

Miz brought up AJ Styles’ name and talked trash about the former WWE Champion. Styles made his way to the ring and delivered a huge right hand to stun The Miz.

AJ Styles versus The Miz

Aj Styles was all pumped hu o as the match began. He delivered a dropkick followed by a Backbreaker to take initial control of the match. However, the heel managed to muster some offense after delivering a knee to his nemesis. After going back and forth for a while, Miz managed to shove Styles into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Miz executed a DDT but Styles for back with a beautiful German Suplex. Styles planted The Miz face-first with a unique maneuver and went for a cover but he could only get a near fall. Styles attempted a Styles Clash but Miz evaded. The heel managed to hit a jawbreaker on Styles for a two count. Miz dropped Styles with a running knee strike like Daniel Bryan used to.

Styles came back with a Pele kick and followed up with a brainbuster. Styles attempted the Styles Clash once again but Miz escaped out of the ring and was quite happy to walk away with a loss via count-out.

Winner – AJ Styles

Grade – B+

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Ezekiel took some advice from John Cena and as he left, Theory confronted the legendary wrestler. Theory said that Cena is out of touch while he is the protege of Vince McMahon and the youngest United States Champion at just 24. The youngster also mentioned that Cena had won zero titles when he was 24. Theory called John Cena a grown up man wearing shorts. Theory attempted to take a selfie with Cena but the latter had already walked away by then.

We saw more video messages from WWE legends showering praise on John Cena. Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, and Stephanie McMahon spoke highly about the legendary Cena.

Bianca Belair comes out to the ring

Kevin Patrick interviewed Bianca Belair and asked the EST about her Money in the Bank opponent Carmella. She said that she would love to say things to Carmella’s face.

Belair said that Carmella doesn’t respect herself. The RAW Women’s Champion called out Carmella. The former SmackDown Women’s Champion made her way to the ring. Carmella talked about her resume and said that if she is not given the respect she deserves, then she will take it by herself. Carmella walked out of the ring but returned to try and execute another attack on Belair from behind. However, Belair was ready this time. She delivered a huge right hand to send Carmella outside the ring.

Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan were interviewed at gorilla. They were told that at Money in the Bank they can’t be friends anymore as there will be only one winner. Bliss said that she is friendly with Morgan but she has no friends in WWE as she doesn’t trust anyone. Morgan also agreed to the fact that they are not friends. Both women got involved in a war of words before Morgan made her way to the ring.

Alexa Bliss versus Liv Morgan

Both women went back and forth but nobody could take clear advantage. Morgan and Bliss tried to topple one another but in the end, it was the former Riott Squad member who managed to pick up the victory with a quick roll-up.

Winner – Liv Morgan

Grade – C

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring to pay homage to John Cena

The WWE Superstars stood at the stage area in two lines to give Cena a guard of honor. The crowd went into a frenzy as Cena’s music hit after Mr. McMahon welcomed him to the ring. As Cena came out through the curtains, the cheers from the crowd were deafening. McMahon left the ring to give Cena the entire spotlight.

Cena said that it’s his birthday in WWE. He said he could feel the energy and there could not be a better place he could have chosen to celebrate his birthday. The multi-time champion said he does not like celebrating milestones as he always looks forward to what is next.

He thanked the crowd for always telling him when he sucks and when he does not. Cena said that it was the right moment to thank the WWE Universe. Chants of “Thank you Cena!” filled the arena as the Doctor of Thuganomics seemed quite emotional. Cena said that because of the fans, he is a better person. Cena assured us that he will be back in the ring but could not give the exact time when that would happen. In the end, he signed off after bringing out the loudest cheer for the night from the fans in attendance.

While walking towards the backstage area, Cena gave away his wristbands and t-shirt to the young fans in attendance and posed for some selfies. He thanked the WWE Universe once again before leaving.

Bobby Lashley versus Alpha Academy – 2 on 1 handicap match with Theory as the special guest enforcer

Otis and Lashley started the match. Lashley failed to take down Otis with a shoulder tackle and a clothesline. However, the Almighty took Otis off his feet by attacking his legs. Theory got up on the ring apron to distract Lashley. This allowed the Alpha Academy to take advantage and weather the initial storm from Lashley. Otis dominated Lashley as he knocked him down with a spinning back fist. The Tree Trunk tagged in Gable and the former RAW Tag Team Champions continued their domination. Gable went up on the middle rope but Lashley caught him. However, Otis returned to drop Lashley with a powerbomb. Gable followed up with a moonsault.

The former WWE Champion kept on fighting. Lashley showed some tremendous strength as he lifted Otis on his shoulders and dropped him before making Gable submit to the Hurt lock.

After the match, Theory tried to blindside Lashley from behind. Alpha Academy joined in on the beatdown. However, their joy was short-lived as Lashley managed to take out Otis and Gable before attempting a spear on Theory. The United States Champion managed to avoid the spear as he exited the ring as Lashley stood tall to end the segment.

An exclusive interview of Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes said that he would have loved to take the momentum he got from his win at Hell in a Cell into Money in the Bank. He spoke about the competitors who are taking part in the Money in the Bank ladder match. He praised everyone and said that if Rollins managed to get the victory, he will be the first one to congratulate him.

Seth Rollins came up to John Cena backstage and asked him whether he remembers the time when he hit the Hollywood star with a knee to shatter his face. The Visionary mentioned that he and Cena has a lot in common except their Money in the Bank cash-in results. Rollins reminded Cena how he failed while cashing in the Money in the Bank contract. Omos and MVP came into the fray and gave a warning to Rollins. Cena wished Rollins good luck and exited the scene.

Tamina, Xia Li, Nikki A.S.H., Shayna Baszler, Doudrop, Becky Lynch – Last chance Money in the Bank qualifying elimination match

Everyone attacked Becky Lynch as the match got underway. After clearing house, the two powerhouses Tamina and Doudrop went to war. Doudrop dropped Tamina outside the ring with a big right hand. Lynch delivered a Manhandle slam on Xia Li and eliminated the Chinese star.

Doudrop hit a cannonball to Baszler. Nikki A.S.H. was the next one to be eliminated as she tapped out to the disarmer. Outside the ring, Lynch hit a Bexploder suplex to send Baszler into the barricade. The Man tried the same on Tamina but Doudrop bulldozed them into the barricade. Baszler and Lynch tried to execute a double superplex to take out Tamina but Doudrop joined the fray and delivered a powerbomb to take out all three competitors.

Dodurop squashed Baszler and eliminated the Queen of Spades. Outside the ring, Doudrop hit Lynch with a powerslam and followed it up with a senton. Back inside the ring, Doudrop delivered an elbow drop on Tamina and eliminated the veteran. Eventually, it was Becky Lynch who got the all-important win after delivering a Manhandle slam from the middle rope to eliminate Doudrop. A chaotic but entertaining match came to an end.

Winner – Becky Lynch

Grade – B

Overall show grade – B+

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