WWE Raw Results, winners, and grades, 30th May 2022: Huge couple of matches announced for Hell in a Cell

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We start with the Raw results, winners, and grades.

Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle will team up to take on The Usos in a Championship contender’s match. Bobby Lashley, Omos, and MVP come face-to-face in the ring to sign the contract for their 2-on-1 handicap match at Hell in a Cell.

Bianca Belair will take on Asuka in what promises to be an intriguing match (WWE)

Becky Lynch comes to the ring for a promo

Becky Lynch came out to the ring to cut a promo. She said it’s been a while since she welcomed the fans to RAW. But she did not feel like doing so without her title. Lynch said people collect friends as time passes but she collects enemies. The Man showed us a picture on the tron of Asuka winning the 2020 Money in the Bank contract. Lynch said she went on to hand over the RAW Women’s Championship before taking maternity leave.

Lynch said she thought she could beat Asuka after returning but the latter got accustomed to things being handed over to her. Asuka cut her off and made her way to the ring. The Empress of Tomorrow called her nemesis Big Time Baby for the nth time. Asuka said that neither Lynch nor Bianca Belair is ready for her and she will become the RAW Women’s Championship at Hell in a Cell.

Bianca made her way to the ring and said she is not complaining about defending her title against two other women. The EST of WWE told Lynch that the RAW Women’s Championship is not going anywhere. Lynch hit Belair with a cheap shot and Asuka attacked the former RAW Women’s Champion.

The three women gave us a little preview of Hell in a Cell. Eventually, Belair attempted the KOD but Lynch managed to hold the ropes and fall safely on her feet on the ring apron. Asuka though hit Lynch with a Hip Attack to send her out of the ring.

Bianca Belair versus Asuka

Belair and Asuka went back and forth as the match got underway. Becky joined in on commentary. Belair knocked Asuka off her feet with a shoulder tackle. The EST hit a dropkick and followed it up by tossing the Japanese star across the ring by her hair. Belair nailed a suplex and tried to take advantage but Asuka locked her in an ankle lock. Belair managed to counter only to get locked in a guillotine.

The RAW Women’s Champion used her power to get out of the predicament. Asuka tried locking in the armbar but Belair lifted her up and both women fell over the ropes, right in front of the announce desk as we went into a break.

After the break, Belair dropped Asuka with a power slam. Belair followed up with a suplex of her own and followed up with a running hip attack for a two count. Asuka went up to the middle rope and got involved in a war of words with Lynch. Belair recovered and joined Asuka at the top.

After a few punches, Belair played defense as she backflipped down to the ring. Asuka, however, knocked down Belair with a dropkick. Belair lifted Asuka up for a KOD but Asuka managed to escape. However, Asuka hurt her knee while landing. The veteran kept on fighting though. Belair countered an attempted cradle to roll up Asuka for the victory. After the match, Lynch entered the ring and took out Belair and Asuka. Lynch delivered a Bexploder to Belair and a Manhandle Slam to Asuka.

Winner – Bianca Belair

Grade – A

Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, and Ezekiel versus Kevin Owens, Chad Gable, and Otis

Rey and Gable got us underway. The latter dropped Rey with a shoulder tackle. Rey tagged in his son but Gable managed to drop him. Gable was sent outside the ring by Dominik. The Mysterios and Ezekiel teamed up to knock Otis outside the ring. They had forgotten about Gable who recovered to knock down Dominik outside the ring from the middle rope. We went into a commercial break with Gable in control of Dominik.

After the break, Owens had Dominik locked in a Sharpshooter. Rey came into the ring and delivered a dropkick. Owens managed to tag in Otis and he dominated Dominik. The junior Mysterio managed to tag in Ezekiel. He was all pumped up as he knocked out everyone in sight. Towards the closing stages of the match, Owens tried to hit Rey with a Superkick but the veteran ducked and Gable got knocked out. The match ended when The Mysterios hit a double 619 on Gable and Ezekiel followed up with a swinging overhead suplex for the victory.

Owens was beside himself after the loss as he destroyed the announce desk shouting at the commentators.

Winners – Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, and Ezekiel

Grade – B

Cody Rhodes comes to the ring for a promo segment

Cody started by calling himself a fan of Seth Rollins. From the time he saw Rollins, he felt he had potential. Cody believes that Rollins lives up to the hype. When Cody got the call to have his second stint in WWE to face Rollins, he was nervous. The American Nightmare did not want to take a loss. However, he won two matches in a row against Rollins and that has driven the Visionary crazy.

Cody said he is walking into Hell in a Cell for the biggest match in his career. Cody said Rollins will get into Hell in a Cell with a man that wants to hurt him. Rollins’ music hit. The Architect emerged from the crowd area with a microphone. Rollins told Rhodes that he does not like him. The former Universal Champion said that every week since his return, the “Cody’ chants got louder and he now hears it in his sleep and he is sick of it.

Rollins said that he will beat Rhodes at Hell in a Cell and everyone will wake up from the nightmare. Rhodes said the time for talking is over and he demanded Rollins come to the ring.

Rollins agreed but stopped right before the barricade saying he will see him on Sunday. Rhodes was not in the mood to wait as he went to get a piece of Rollins. The American Nightmare drove Rollins through the barricade as a brawl ensued.

Finally, a number of officials pulled them apart. Rollins managed to evade them momentarily and tried to get to Cody but once again they were pulled apart. It seemed Rhodes was taken backstage but he ran back to the entrance ramp and assaulted Rollins. Both men were finally separated as fans chanted “This is awesome”.

Alexa Bliss versus Doudrop

Bliss tried to use her speed but Doudrop stopped her with a clothesline. She continued her domination until Bliss managed to begin a series of her offensive maneuvers. Bliss hit a hurricanrana followed by a series of knee strikes and kicks. The Goddess escaped a senton as Doudrop fell hard on her back.

Doudrop attempted a drop from the middle rope but missed once again. Bliss got up to the top rope looking for the Twisted Bliss but Nikki A.S.H got up on the apron to distract her. Bliss knocked her down with a kick and delivered a picture-perfect Twisted Bliss to win her fourth match in a row since returning.

Winner – Alexa Bliss

Grade – B

We get a segment of the Miz TV with The Street Profits as special guests

Miz came to the ring and began promoting the season premiere of the third installment of Miz & Mrs. Miz started praising his wife Maryse when Street Profits interrupted and made their way to the ring.

Montez Ford said that Miz should have been talking about Hell in a Cell which is scheduled for Sunday. Dawkins said he is excited about the Rollins-Rhodes match at the upcoming pay-per-view. Ford said he is excited to see Bianca Belair bring back the gold once again.

They made The Miz fall for the “It doesn’t matter what you think” and when the A-lister raised his hand, Dawkins gave him a high five.

All hell broke loose when Dana Brooke and the other 24/7 Championship chasers came into the ring. T-Bar, Apollo Crews, Akira Tozawa, R-Truth, Tamina, and Brooke brawled inside the ring as Dawkins and Ford saw the action while sitting on chairs inside the ring. Dawkins knocked out T-Bar and Crews during the scuffle. Tamina won the 24/7 Championship with a Samoan drop to Brooke. She celebrated her win with a kiss to Tozawa. The Japanese star, however, betrayed Tamina to pin her and win the 24/7 Championship.

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Mustafa Ali versus Tommaso Ciampa – If Mustafa Ali wins, he will receive a shot at the United States Championship in the future

Tommaso Ciampa took control of the match from the get-go. The Blackheart unleashed hard-hitting strikes to rattle Ali. The former Retribution leader finally picked up the pace as he delivered a dropkick to send Ciampa outside the ring. Ali launched himself through the ropes to take out Ciampa. Ali brought him back inside the ring and went up on the top rope but Theory attacked him. Theory sent Ali into the ring post.

Ali won the match via disqualification. Theory took a microphone and said that a win is a win nonetheless and the future United States Championship match will take place right now. Very convenient from the heel as Ali was down and out after his brutal assault.

Winner – Theory

Grade – C

Theory (c) versus Mustafa Ali – United States Championship

Ali used the ropes to somehow get back to a vertical base as the match got underway. Theory continued with his domination as the match began. He sent Ali face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Ali willed himself into delivering a DDT from the top rope. He went up to the top rope but a fresh Theory managed to knock him down. Finally, Mr. McMahon’s protege got the victory with A-Town Down.

Winner – Theory

Grade – C

Theory celebrated by taking a selfie with Ali. As the champion was leaving, Adam Pearce came down to the stage area and told Theory that Mr. McMahon wants to see him have a fair fight with Ali. Peace announced that Theory will defend his title at Hell in a Cell against Ali.

The Usos versus Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura – Championship contenders match

Riddle cut a promo backstage thanking fans for their supportive messages since his partner Randy Orton got injured. Nakamura joined him and they hyped up their critical match against The Usos coming up.

Riddle and Nakamura looked quite good as they used in-tandem offense to take down Jimmy Uso. Jey got the tag but the domination from the new tag team continued until Jimmy managed to get the tag in. The Undisputed Tag Team Champions isolated Riddle double-teaming every now and then to wear down the former United States Champion.

The Usos worked well to hit Riddle with cheap shots whenever the referee got distracted. Riddle finally managed to tag in Nakamura who was all fired up. Nakamura hit Jimmy with the Good Vibrations. He followed it up with a flying German Suplex followed by a knee strike from the top rope.

Nakamura went for the cover but Jimmy kicked out at two. The Japanese legend went for the Kinshasa but Jey managed to intervene. Jey hit a Frog Splash off the top rope and went for the cover but Riddle broke the pin.

Nakamura kicked Jimmy to the side of his head. Both men tried to tag in their partners and managed to do so. The Bro picked up speed as he delivered a Fallaway Slam to Jey. Nakamura got the tag and met a running Jey with a kick. Riddle got the tag in and delivered a couple of bodyslams to Jimmy and Jey. He delivered a DDT from the middle rope to Jey and tried to follow up with the RKO but Jey managed to avoid it. Jimmy got himself and his brother disqualified after attacking Riddle with his scooter.

Jimmy sent Nakamura over the barricade. The heels tried to hit the double Frog Splash on Riddle but Nakamura made the save, kicking Jimmy off the top rope. Riddle hit the RKO from the top rope on Jey to stand tall with his partner as The Usos retreated.

Winners – Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura

Grade – A

Ali was interviewed backstage and asked how he feels to finally get a fair fight against Theory for the United States Championship. Ali said he has been through a lot but in his hometown of Chicago, he will become the new United States Champion. Theory attacked him from behind and once again took a selfie before leaving.

Liv Morgan versus Rhea Ripley

Rhea Ripley made her entrance alone to a new theme. Liv Morgan started with a dropkick trying to take the attack to her former tag team partner. Ripley, however, used her strength to take down Morgan. Ripley hit Morgan with a vicious headbutt. Morgan locked in a sleeper hold on The Judgement Day member.

Ripley managed to free herself by dropping Morgan on her back. The former Riott Squad member dropkicked Ripley into the ropes. The former NXT Champion took control of the match by launching Morgan into the barricade outside the ring.

We went into a commercial break and after returning, Damian Priest and AJ Styles were seen outside the ring. Ripley was still dominating the match as she locked in Morgan in a body triangle. Morgan managed to counter the move. She used the energy from the WWE Universe to drop Ripley outside the ring. Morgan flattened Ripley outside the ring with a crossbody from the top rope.

Morgan attempted the Oblivion but Priest saved Ripley just like Edge did last week. In the end, Morgan hit a backstabber and won the match. After the match, Priest attacked Styles. He switched his attention to Morgan but Finn Balor appeared out of nowhere to make the save.

The Archer of Infamy got hit with a Phenomenal Forearm followed by a Coup de Grace. Rhea Ripley got back to her feet and was taken down once again by Liv Morgan. Styles, Balor, and Liv celebrated in the middle of the ring with the Bullet Club gesture.

Winner – Liv Morgan

Grade – A

Bobby Lashley, Omos, and MVP come out to the ring to sign on the dotted lines to make their 2-on-1 handicap match at Hell in a Cell official

Adam Pearce, Lashley, MVP, and Omos were all in the ring for the contract signing. MVP told Lashley that it should not have come to this. He was the one who started the Almighty era and it is fitting that he ends it at Hell in a Cell.

Lashley said he never needed MVP. All three men signed the contract. MVP said they do not need to wait till Hell in a Cell. Lashley tossed the table out of the ring. A number of security members came out to try and separate Lashley and Omos but failed miserably. The two big men cleared the ring. Lashley and Omos were about to go head-to-head when Cedric Alexander came from behind and took out Lashley.

The Almighty came back to dump Alexander outside the ring. Omos took advantage of the distraction by delivering a big boot to Lashley. He brought a table to the ring and sent it up in the corner. The Nigerian Giant lifted Lashley in the hope to send him through the table. However, the former WWE Champion managed to get to his feet and speared Omos through the table to end the show.

Overall show grade – A

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