WWE RAW Results, winners, and grades, 14 Mar 2022: The Man makes a brutal statement

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WWE RAW Results, winners, and grades: Becky Lynch launched a vicious attack on Bianca Belair

There was a lot to cover on WWE RAW especially with WrestleMania 38 just around the corner. Kevin Owens beat Seth Rollins in a match that involved high stakes while the wait for Cody Rhodes‘ return to WWE continued.

And, we start with this RAW results, winners, and grades. The episode started with a graphic of legendary Scott Hall along with a vignette. ‘The Bad Guy passed away, hours before the show.

Kevin Ownes lost the title to Goldberg

KO Stuns the cameraman

Kevin Owens started the show as he came to the ring and expressed his excitement at Stone Cold Steve Austin accepting his invitation as a special guest on the KO Show.

Owens mentioned that he isn’t fond of beer but he’ll help himself with a Canadian cold one after beating Austin. He would hit a Stunner on a cameraman to send a message to The Rattlesnake and end the segment.

Seth Rollins was interviewed backstage and asked about his plans for WrestleMania

Seth Rollins, who doesn’t have a match at ‘Mania as yet, continued to remain silent. Fans, however, chanted “Cody, Cody” (speculating Cody’s return).

Damien Priest versus Finn Balor

The first match of the night was Damien Priest versus the new WWE United States champion Finn Balor. This was a non-title match. Finn won the United States Championship from Priest a couple of weeks ago. Priest turned heel after that match and attacked Finn.

Last week as well, Priest assaulted Balor in the middle of the inaugural Universal champion’s match against Austin Theory.

Theory joined on commentary before the match. Finn started off the blocks quicker but Priest delivered the crucifix powerbomb on him on the announce table.

Finn hit the running knee and was about to deliver the Coup de Grace when Theory distracted him. Priest took advantage of the distraction and secured the win.

Result – Damien Priest beat Finn Balor

Grade – B

Omos versus Commander Azeez

The two big men had a staredown last week after Omos annihilated Apollo Crews. This week they went head to head. Omos, who is in the midst of a push weathered the initial storm from Azeez and hit the double chokeslam to pick up the win. Crews tried to distract Omos during the match but it didn’t bother the former college basketball player. Omos wouldn’t forget about Crews’ failed attempt as he pulled Crews into the ring and delivered another chokeslam.

Result – Omos beat Commander Azeez

Grade – D

Owens gives Rollins an idea

Owens urged Rollins backstage to find himself a match at WrestleMania. The Visionary stopped him in his tracks, smiled in his trademark style, and left.

Liv Morgan versus Queen Zelina

Last week, the newly formed team of Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley beat the WWE Women’s Tag Team champions Queen Zelina and Carmella after the self-proclaimed most beautiful woman in WWE got busy with her lover Corey Graves.

This week, Liv got the better of the initial exchange but Zelina fought back. Carmella tried to cause a distraction to help the Queen but was chased by Rhea Ripley for her efforts. Carmella ran for help and hilariously leaped on Corey’s lap for safety.

Much to Carmella’s dismay, she ended up distracting her own partner and allowed Liv to hit the Oblivion and win the match. What’s cooking between Carmella, Queen Zelina, and Corey Graves?

Result – Liv Morgan beat Queen Zelina

Grade – B

Rollins reveals his plans for ‘Mania

Seth Rollins came to the ring and told Kevin Owens that he could host Austin on the Rollins Report. Owens was in disbelief. They were supposed to be friends but Rollins was looking to take Owens’ spot from him at WrestleMania 38.

Owens said that he can’t steal his idea. Rollins challenged him to a match and the winner will host Austin at ‘Mania.

Sonya Deville stormed out and made this idea official. Rollins and Owens were scheduled to face each other in the main event with the winner having his moment with Austin at The Grandest Stage of Them All.

Rey and Dominik Mysterio versus The Hurt Business

The Miz and Logan Paul joined on commentary for this match. They are set to face the Mysterios in a tag team match at ‘Mania.

Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin did well to isolate Dominik Mysterio from his father. The members of The Hurt Business wore down Dominik.

When the younger Mysterio finally managed to tag his father in, the master of 619 changed the pace of the match like he only can. He took out Cedric Alexander and went for a cover but Benjamin broke the same.

Dominik hit the splash on Cedric to win the match. As expected, The Miz and Logan Paul attacked the Mysterios after the match. This time, however, the first father-son duo thwarted The Miz and Logan Paul’s onslaught. They were about to hit the 619 on Paul but The Miz dragged him out of the ring as they managed to elope from the scene.

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Result – Dominik and Rey Mysterio beat The Hurt Business

Grade – B

A video of Scott Hall was shown before the match. The fans in attendance applauded once the video ended.

Edge cuts another scintillating promo

Edge walked out to a different Alter Bridge song and said he was the benchmark in WWE but wasn’t at his best when he returned.

He stated that fans didn’t matter to him anymore and thus, left no scope of perceiving him as a face. The Rated-R superstar made his intentions clear and said he is focused on beating The Phenomenal AJ Styles.

He ended the segment by saying if AJ Styles made it to WrestleMania, he will be judged.

Bianca Belair versus Doudrop

Doudrop hit a Michinoku Driver but Bianca kicked out. The EST showed her power delivering a spine buster on Doudrop.

Bianca would once again defeat Doudrop after delivering KOD. Before the match, Bianca in a backstage segment said she would give Becky Lynch a preview of what’s in store for her at WrestleMania.

Becky assaulted Bianca after the former won her match. The RAW Women’s champion put a chair around Bianca’s neck and pulled her by the hair and into the ring post.

Result – Bianca Belair beat Doudrop

Grade – B

The RK-Bro Celebration Party

It was claimed by WWE that Randy Orton was up since 4 AM planning the RK-Bro Celebration Party. Orton and Matt Riddle were celebrating their tag team title win from last week when The Street Profits came out.

They demanded a shot at the Tag titles. Orton would tell them to leave but Riddle had another idea. He said that they had to face someone at ‘Mania before Orton accepts the challenge.

Ford said he’s not asking Orton. He’s telling Orton that they will face the champions at The Show of Shows.

Montez Ford versus Matt Riddle

The match was going on nicely. Riddle took control early as Randy spurred him on from ringside. Montez displayed tremendous athleticism while Riddle wasn’t far behind.

Riddle delivered a DDT from the ropes giving a tribute to his partner Orton. Unfortunately, the riveting contest ended when the Alpha Academy intervened and took out all four members.

Otis and Gable pointed to the WrestleMania sign. It’s evident that they want a rematch for their titles at WrestleMania.

Result – Riddle beat Montez Ford by disqualification

Grade – B

Seth Rollins versus Kevin Owens

This was a WrestleMania level match-up. The match went back and forth. Rollins took out Owens with a knee from the top rope.

He performed a suicide dive on Owens and sent him over the announce table. Rollins delivered a frog splash off the top rope and went for the cover but Owens kicked out.

Owens went for a swanton bomb from the top rope but Rollins got his knees up. Owens delivered the Stunner in the end to win the match. Rollins’ chance to secure a place at WrestleMania went up in smoke.

Result – Seth Rollins versus Kevin Owens

Grade – A

Episode grade – B

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