WWE SmackDown results, winners, and grades 29 July 2022: Sheamus versus Drew McIntyre – Donnybrook match

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Here are the SmackDown results for the 29th of July, 2022.

It seems that Lacey Evans will finally have a match with Aliyah on this week’s episode of SmackDown after avoiding the same for the last few weeks. The New Day will take on The Viking Raiders after a few weeks of build-up.

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Sheamus versus Drew McIntyre – Good old-fashioned Donnybrook match – winner will get a shot at the WWE Universal Championship at Clash at the Castle

Drew McIntyre was making his entrance when Sheamus attacked him from behind. The Celtic Warrior brought McIntyre to the ring and the match got underway. McIntyre sent Sheamus over the announce table but the Irish star came back strongly and sent McIntyre shoulder-first into the steel steps. Sheamus got hold of a shillelagh and used it to hurt his nemesis. In fact, Sheamus hit the 10 Beats of the Bodhran with the shillelagh. Sheamus tried to deliver a suplex to McIntyre on a table set up against a barricade. However, McIntyre countered with a suplex of his own.

McIntyre sent Sheamus into the steel steps and took control of the proceedings. After a commercial break, Sheamus hit a body slam in the middle of the ring. The heel brought a steel chair and used it to good effect to assault the Scottish Warrior.

Sheamus went for the White Noise but McIntyre countered and sent the leader of the Brawling Brutes shoulder-first into the ring post. He followed it up with a neck breaker. McIntyre tossed a number of chairs into the ring. However, Sheamus threw one of them at McIntyre. Sheamus went for a White Noise on a pile of chairs but McIntyre countered and delivered a Future Shock DDT instead. Ridge Holland came from behind and hit McIntyre with a shillelagh. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick for a near fall. McIntyre sent Holland through a table by perfectly executing a belly-to-belly suplex.

Butch interfered as he jumped off a barrel to wipe out McIntyre. Sheamus delivered White Noise from the middle rope but McIntyre managed to kick out at two. Butch took out a giant shillelagh and handed it to Sheamus. However, McIntyre snatched it from Sheamus. He hit Butch with a Claymore but Sheamus took advantage of the distraction to nail another Brogue Kick. McIntyre kicked out once again at two. He delivered a powerbomb sending Sheamus through the announce table. In the end, Sheamus crawled towards a shillelagh before McIntyre hit a Claymore to get the win.

Winner – Drew McIntyre

Grade – A

Theory assaults Drew McIntyre

Kayla Braxton interviewed McIntyre after the match. He said that somebody had to take the title from the part-time champion. Theory came from behind and attacked McIntyre with the Money in the Bank briefcase and stood tall in the ring to end the segment.

Happy Corbin appears in the crowd area

Happy Corbin came out as a fan and took a seat behind Pat McAfee. He said that he has a ticket so McAfee can’t put his hands on him.

Both men got into a war of words before officials came out to separate them from one another. Corbin hit McAfee with a low blow.

Theory was interviewed backstage. He said that he was tired of being treated as a punching bag. He is a future two-time United States Champion and is going to be a world champion soon. The youngster ended the interview by saying that he will make McIntyre his punching bag.

As he was walking away, Paul Heyman rolled up and put his arm around the youngster and gave him some advice.

Shotzi versus Aliyah

Shotzi applied a Boston Crab on Aliyah. However, the babyface managed to escape. Aliyah delivered a few right hands and took out Shotzi with a Meteora.

Shotzi sent Aliyah into the ring post outside the ring. Back inside the ring, Shotzi hit a Never Wake Up to get the victory.

Winner – Shotzi

Grade – C

Liv Morgan and Ronda Rousey were doing a photoshoot when Natalya rolled up. Natalya told Liv that she was the SmackDown Women’s Champion thanks to her. Sonya Deville entered the fray and expressed her disgust after being attacked by Rousey last week.

Shotzi was having a laugh inside the ring and celebrating her win when Rousey appeared and dropped her with a Piper’s Pit.

Ronda Rousey and Liv Morgan versus Natalya and Sonya Deville

Ronda Rousey and Natalya got us underway. Both women tried to take control of the proceedings. Rousey tagged Liv and both women showed some good teamwork to rattle Natalya. The veteran tagged in Deville but Morgan’s quickness was too hot to handle for Deville.

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Morgan and Rousey got into an argument and that allowed Deville to take advantage. Deville assaulted the SmackDown Women’s Champion and tagged in Natalya. The Queen of Harts sent Morgan outside the ring and delivered a suplex.

The heels isolated the champion on their side of the ring. Morgan hit a codebreaker on Natalya. The youngster had the chance to make a tag but she decided to go for the cover instead. Natalya kicked out and the heels began dominating Morgan.

After enduring some more punishment, Morgan hit an enziguri and had the chance to make the tag but decided against it once again. Eventually, the former MMA star tagged herself into the match. Rousey hit Piper’s Pit on Deville. Morgan delivered the Oblivion on Natalya while Rousey made Deville tap out to the ankle lock.

Winners – Liv Morgan and Ronda Rousey

Grade – B

Jeff Jarrett gives instructions to The Usos and The Street Profits ahead of their match at SummerSlam

Jarrett said that the competitors need to understand how seriously he takes his job. The Usos and The Street Profits asked JJ if they would be disqualified if they inflicted some creative ways to assault each other.

JJ said that he has only one job to do and that is to count to three. The legendary Jeff Jarrett gave permission to The Street Profits and The Usos to begin a brawl. They didn’t disappoint.

Jey Uso inadvertently hit JJ with a Superkick. The Usos apologized to the WWE Hall of Famer but he pushed them away.

The Street Profits sent The Usos outside the ring. Montez Ford jumped over the top rope and took out his rivals outside the ring to end the segment on a strong note.

Max Dupri and Maxxine Dupri revealed the SummerSlam Beachwear collection with the help of ma.çé and mån.sôör.

The New Day versus The Viking Raiders

Erik and Ivar assaulted Kofi Kingston. The former WWE Champion tried to fight back but the powerful duo was proving to be just too strong.

Kingston finally mustered some offense delivering the SOS on Ivar. Woods got the tag in and so did Erik. Woods hit a Russian leg sweep to take out Erik. Ivar returned to the ring and got hit with a dropkick. A slingshot DDT on Erik for a near fall. Woods planted Erik face-first and Woods delivered a frog splash.

Kingston delivered a heel kick to Ivar. The raiders hit a double-team powerbomb on Kingston to get the pinfall win. After the match, the raiders took their shields and steel chairs to the ring. Kingston was lying flat on his back. Woods tried to save his partner but got hit by Erik’s shield. The Raiders wrapped a chair around Woods’ ankle and slammed their shields into the chair to leave the 2021 King of the Ring screaming in pain.

Winners – The Viking Raiders

Grade – B

Paul Heyman addresses the WWE Universe

Paul Heyman introduced himself to the WWE Universe. He predicted that Roman Reigns will win at SummerSlam. He said that no world champion in the last 35 years has reigned for 700 days. Heyman hyped up the Tribal Chief ahead of SummerSlam.

Brock Lesnar made his way to the ring as Heyman was scared as hell. Lesnar corned Heyman but Theory came from behind to save the ‘Wise man’. Lesnar hit a suplex to send Theory outside the ring.

McIntyre came from behind and hit a Claymore on Theory to get some sweet revenge. McIntyre and Lesnar had a stare-down before the show ended.

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