WWE SummerSlam 2022: Results, Winners, Grades

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The Biggest Party of the Summer is finally here. Let’s begin with the results:

Roman Reigns defends his WWE Universal title for just the second time since unifying the championships at WrestleMania 38. His opponent is the same man he defeated at The Grandest Stage of Them All – Brock Lesnar. The Street Profits will take on The Usos for the latter’s Undisputed Tag Team Championships. Jeff Jarrett is the special guest referee and he will surely add an interesting flavor to the all-important match. Bianca Belair will take on Becky Lynch and much more action is coming your way. Let’s go…..

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Bianca Belair (c) versus Becky Lynch – RAW Women’s Championship match

Becky Lynch tried to apply the headlock but Bianca Belapur escaped. Big Time Becks zoomed in on Belair’s left arm and used innovative offensive maneuvers to wear the champion down. The EST factored her left arm. She tried delivering KOD on the outside but Becky countered into a leg drop on the barricade. Back inside the ring, Lynch delivered a Bexploder suplex.

The veteran stomped away at the EST. A dropkick from Lynch sent Belair out on the ring apron. Lynch attempted another leg drop but Belair countered with a powerbomb. The home favorite delivered a suplex on the outside to her nemesis. Lynch hit a Diamond Dust but Belair continued fighting. The Man tried to apply the Disarm her but Belair rolled to the outside and delivered a KOD on the floor.

Lynch hit a Manhandle Slam but Belair kicked out in time. In the end, Belair hit a Spanish Fly off the middle rope and followed it up with a KOD to pick up a sensational victory.

After the match, Lynch offered a handshake and Belair obliged. The two women hugged in the middle of the ring to end the segment. Lynch exited the ring.

We got our first surprise of the night when Bayley appeared and made her way to the ring. The recently-released Dakota Kai appeared and joined Bayley at the stage area. This wasn’t all. Io Shirai also joined them and entered the ring. The three women circled in on Belair but Lynch joined the RAW Women’s Champion and the Role Model asked Shirai and Kai to retreat.

Winner – Bianca Belair

Grade – B+

The Miz (with Maryse and Ciampa) versus Logan Paul

The Miz was at his cocky best as the match got underway. Paul struck back with a The Rock-esque flurry of punches. Paul delivered a moonsault from the ring apron to wipe out the veteran. The YouTube star delivered a series of chops to the chest of The Miz. The A-Lister delivered a code breaker. Ciampa hit a cheap shot behind the referee’s back. Paul came back strongly with a Blockbuster off the middle rope. A clothesline, back elbow, and a running power slam from Paul helped him to take control of proceedings.

Figure 4 leg lock from Paul but Miz managed to reach the ropes to break the hold. A crossbody followed by a standing moonsault helped Paul to get a near fall.

Ciampa tried to hit another cheap shot but the referee caught him and sent him backstage. Ciampa denied leaving ringside. AJ Styles came ringside and took out Ciampa. The two men went to the crowd area and continued their fight.

Paul hit a Phenomenal Forearm. He followed it up with a frog splash on The Miz after setting the former world champion up on the announce table.

Paul got the cover in on Miz but Maryse distracted the referee. Miz tried to hit Paul from behind but almost inadvertently hit his wife. Paul took advantage of the distraction and planted his former mentor with a Skull Crushing Finale to pick up a pinfall victory.

Winner – Logan Paul

Grade – B

Bobby Lashley (c) versus Theory – United States Championship match

Theory attacked Lashley from behind with his Money in the Bank briefcase as the latter made his way to the ring. After the match got underway, Lashley hit a couple of clotheslines followed by a single-handed powerbomb. Theory had enough and he grabbed his briefcase and took a walk. Lashley stopped him in his tracks and sent the youngster into the barricade.

Back inside the ring, Theory hit the champion with a dropkick. Moments later, the two men began trading blows as the WWE Universe joined in. Lashley got the better of the exchange and went on to hit a running powerslam.

Eventually, The Almighty countered a rolling dropkick attempt from Theory and applied a Hurt Lock. The former United States Champion tapped out almost instantly to give Lashley the win.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Grade – B

The Judgement Day versus Rey and Dominik Mysterio – No Disqualification Tag Team Match

The Mysterios began the brawl as soon as they entered the ring. The father-son duo used their speed to dominate the early goings of the match. The heels isolated Finn Balor on their side of the ring. Priest kicked Dominik while standing on the ring apron to allow the Prince to take advantage. Priest got the tag in and began wearing down Dominik. The Judgement Day showed great teamwork. Balor hit a suplex on the youngster. Dominik finally managed to muster some offense as he hit a neck breaker on Balor. Rey got the tag in and hit Priest with a seated senton followed by a dropkick.

Balor introduced a steel chair but Rey used it to assault the heels. Balor hit a dropkick and went up on the rope. Dom stopped him in his tracks and allowed his father to hit a hurricanrana. Rey and Dom set up their opponents right in place for a 619. However, Rhea Ripley stopped them in their tracks.

The Judgement Day were about to begin their assault on the former tag team champions but The lights went off and Edge made his impending comeback. The WWE Hall of Famer took out Priest with a big boot. The Rated-R Superstar delivered a couple of spears to Balor and Priest. Rey and Dom hit a double 619 on Balor as the babyface team picked up the win.

Winners – Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Grade – B

Pat McAfee versus Happy Corbin

Corbin began to trash talk as the match got underway. McAfee delivered a Superkick and sent Corbin outside the ring. McAfee sent Corbin face-first into the ring post. Corbin hit a dropkick on McAfee. The veteran sent McAfee into the barricade. Corbin hit a Deep Six for a near fall. Corbin set up McAfee on the announce table and hit a series of punches while trash-talking about the SmackDown commentator’s parents. Michael Cole stood up and yelled at Corbin but the latter pushed him back into his seat.

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McAfee hit a superplex. He followed it up with a spectacular Swanton bomb on the outside. A right hand from McAfee sent Corbin into the referee. This allowed McAfee to hit a low blow and go on to pick up the win.

Winner – Pat McAfee

Grade – C+

Drew McIntyre comes out to the ringside to cut a promo

Drew McIntyre made his way to the stage area. He talked about his gruelling match against Sheamus on SmackDown this week. McIntyre said that he doesn’t care who wins tonight in the main event as come Clash at the Castle, he will become the WWE Universal Champion.

The Usos (c) versus The Street Profits – Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match – Jeff Jarret is the special guest referee

Jimmy Uso and Angelo Dawkins got us underway. The champions controlled the early proceedings of the match. Jey hit a cheap shot behind the referee’s back to allow his brother to dominate Dawkins.

Dawkins struggled to muster up any offense as Ford looked on. Dawkins finally hit an enziguiri and made the tag to Ford. The impressive Ford changed the speed of the match with his fantastic array of offensive moves. A standing blockbuster was one of the moves that Ford used on Jey Uso and it was simply stunning.

Jey came back strongly as he launched Ford up in the air and delivered a neck breaker. Dawkins got the tag in and wiped out The Usos on the outside. A swinging neck breaker from Ford on Jimmy. Jey hit a Superkick on Ford while Jimmy hit a Superkick on Dawkins. Jimmy delivered a frog splash on Ford for two-count. The Usos hit the double frog splash on Ford and went for the cover but Dawkins made the save. Jey almost hit JJ with a Superkick. The Street Profits took advantage. Ford hit a frog splash but Jey kicked out at 2.

He was disappointed at JJ for his speed on the count. The Usos hit superkicks to Ford and Dawkins. In the end, The Usos delivered the 1D to get the W.

Winners – The Usos

Grade – A

Riddle comes out to the ring

Riddle said that he isn’t cleared to compete. However, he will follow Randy Orton’s advice and go after The Visionary. He called out Rollins and the former Shield member made his entrance. The two men brawled on the isle as the officials struggled to stop them. They came into the ring and Rollins delivered a Curb Stomp before leaving.

Liv Morgan (c) versus Ronda Rousey – SmackDown Women’s Championship match

Ronda Rousey dominated the match from the get-go. Liv Morgan applied the Rings of Saturn but Ronda used her power advantage to get out of the hold. A code breaker from Morgan momentarily rattled the former MMA star. However, that was the last bit of offense that Morgan registered in the match. Rousey locked in the Armbar on a couple of occasions but Morgan managed to get her foot on the ropes to break the hold. The referee asked the medical team to check on the champion’s injured arm.

Morgan wanted to carry on with the match. Rousey applied another arm bar. Morgan managed to get up to her feet and push Rousey’s shoulders on the mat. The referee counted to three and Morgan won via pinfall. However, on replays it was clear that Morgan tapped out at two and a half. Rousey was irate and she attacked Morgan from behind and locked in the armbar once again. She released Morgan and locked in the armbar on the referee before officials had to stop her and send her backstage.

Winner – Liv Morgan

Grade – C

The Mayor of Knox County – Kane, came out to the ring and announced the official attendance for the night – 48,449.

Roman Reigns (c) versus Brock Lesnar – WWE Universal Championship match

Roman Reigns came out to the ring and asked the WWE Universe inside the Nissan Stadium to acknowledge him. Brock Lesnar made his entrance. He was walking towards the ring but decided against it. Instead, he drove a tractor to the ring.

Lesnar jumped off the tractor and wiped out Reigns inside the ring. Lesnar delivered a belly-to-belly suplex. He sent Reigns into the steel steps. Another belly-to-belly suplex off the steel steps and the Tribal Chief appeared to be in a lot of trouble.

The two athletes brawled in the crowd area. Lesnar delivered a suplex and sent Reigns into a steel structure. Back ringside, Lesnar set up a table after delivering a suplex. Paul Heyman distracted Lesnar and that allowed Reigns to recover. The champion delivered a Samoan drop on Lesnar, sending the Beast Incaranate through the table. Reigns hit Lesnar with the steel steps and delivered a Uranagi through another table. However, Lesnar got back to his feet before the 10 count. Back inside the ring, Reigns hit a couple of Superman punches followed by a spear. The referee began the count but Lesnar got back up in time.

Lesnar evaded an onrushing Reigns and sent him outside the ring. The former world champion delivered a spinebuster through a broken table. Lesnar hit Reigns with the steels steps and then a piece of a broken table.. Reigns got back to his feet at 9. Lesnar dumped Reigns into the front loader of the tractor. The former MMA star dropped Reigns into the ring. Lesnar stepped back into he ring and delivered a series of suplexes. Reigns got back to his feet at the count of 8, only to be hit with an F5. This time, Reigns somehow used the ropes to get back to his feet at the count of 9. Lesnar went for another F5 but Reigns countered into a guillotine.

Lesnar countered Reigns’ guillotine with a guillotine of his own. Reigns seemed to have fainted but once again got back to his feet before the 10-count. Lesnar got into the tractor once again and this time he used it to push the entire ring from its place. That wasn’t all. Lesnar used the tractor to lift the ring altogether from its place. The Usos came out to interfere but Lesnar took them out with suplexes.

Paul Heyman gave the titles to Lesnar and asked him to leave Reigns alone. Heyman got hit with an F5 through the announce table for his efforts. Reigns hit Lesnar with a spear. Theory rushed to the ring with a referee but before he could cash in, Lesnar hit him with an F5 as Theory landed face-first on the briefcase.

The Usos hit the double Superkick to take out Lesnar. Reigns hit a number of spears and shots with the briefcase and the championship belt but Lesnar kept on beating the count every time. In the end, Reigns and The Usos buried Lesnar under a number of tables and steel steps. This stopped Lesnar from getting back to his feet as the referee finally managed to count to ten.

Winner – Roman Reigns

Grade – A+

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