WWE WrestleMania Night 1 results, winners, and grades 2 Apr 2022: Austin’s emotional return

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Finally, the time we have all been waiting for is upon us. WWE’s biggest event of the year – WrestleMania 38, bring it on.

Three Title matches, two tag team matches, Seth Rollins versus an opponent of Vince McMahon’s choosing, obviously Stone Cold Steve Austin’s surprise match, and much more.

The Usos versus Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs (SmackDown Tag Team Championship)

Rick Boogs recently curled with Jimmy Uso and it’s going to be interesting seeing what new display of power he wows the WWE Universe with at The Show of Shows.

Jey Uso and Shinsuke Nakamura got us underway with the latter unleashing a flurry of kicks. Jey, however, managed a tag and teamed up to slow down Nakamura with double-team offense. Main-event Jey Uso delivered a step-up enzuigiri to go for the first cover of the night but Nakamura kicked out. Boogs finally got the hot tag and delivered an incredible vertical suplex deadlifting Jey on one knee and dropping him.

Boogs picked up both the Usos on his shoulders but his knee gave buckled under the weight of the two of them. Usos looked to take advantage of Nakamura who was all by himself. The Usos got the W when they delivered 1-D on Nakamura. It seemed Boogs was legitimately injured as he was escorted backstage by medical personnel as the rockstar looked to be in serious pain. We hope it’s nothing serious and he recovers soon.

Result – The Usos beat Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs

Grade – B

Happy Corbin versus Drew McIntyre

Happy Corbin and Drew McIntyre have been at loggerheads for quite some time heading into this match. The latest Andre the Giant Battle Royal winner Madcap Moss has also been a part of the build-up as Corbin has used his friend to escape McIntyre’s wrath a number of times. All the running and hiding ends.

McIntyre got off the blocks quicker. He clotheslined Corbin out of the ring. However, Corbin took control of the match when he sent McIntyre into the ring post and outside the ring. Corbin delivered a vertical suplex followed by a back suplex and continued his assault on the former WWE champion. Madcap Moss was outside the ring. Seeing the dominance of Corbin he got up on the apron and started celebrating but he came in the way of Corbin and distracted him in the process.

McIntyre took advantage of the situation momentarily but Corbin returned to control of the match when he delivered a Deep Six. McIntyre got back in the match as he looked to deliver the Claymore but Moss pulled Corbin out of the ring. The Scottish Psychopath delivered a Swanton outside the ring taking out both Corbin and Moss. He delivered a belly-to-belly throw on Moss to take him out.

Inside the ring, McIntyre kicked out of the End of Days as Corbin couldn’t believe it. Finally, McIntyre won the match with a Claymore. After the match, Moss got up on the apron but had to retreat to the floor in a hurry as McIntyre cut the ropes off with Angela. It was mentioned that McIntyre was the first person to kick out of the End of Days.

Result – Drew McIntyre beat Happy Corbin

Grade – B

The Miz and Logan Paul versus Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio

Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz in the Elimination Chamber 2022 PPV and the A-lister wasn’t happy with Dom’s involvement during the match. Miz stated that he will team with a partner and take on the Mysterios at ‘Mania. The Awesome one revealed later that social media fame Logan Paul was going to be his partner.

The Mysterios showed tremendous high-flying offensive moves thereafter but once again, Paul delivered a cheap shot with the referee distracted by his partner. Paul delivered a beautiful running Powerslam on Dom.

Dom gave the hot tag to Rey who delivered the vintage sunset flip into a kick. Rey delivered a moonsault and went for the cover but Paul broke it. Paul and Miz went for a double vertical suplex but Dom took out Paul with a Superkick. Rey delivered a Tornado DDT to Miz. He went for the Three Amigos but managed only two as Miz countered. Paul tagged in and delivered the three amigos followed by the Frog Splash.

The Mysterios, however, came back strong with a double 619 on Paul but Miz was quick to make the tag that Rey and Dom didn’t see. Dominik delivered a Frog Splash and went for the cover but Miz slammed Rey on Dom to break the cover and delivered a Skull Crushing Finale on The Master of the 619 to get the victory.

After the match, Miz and Paul were bowing to the crowd when the former delivered a Skull Crushing Finale to his former partner in what was a shocking turn of events.

Result – The Miz and Logan Paul beat Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Grade – A

Gable Steveson is coming to RAW

Stephanie McMahon made her way to the stage area and announced Olympic Gold medalist Gable Steveson’s arrival in WWE. The 21-year-old was greeted with a huge pop. He will be seen on the RAW brand.

Becky Lynch (c) versus Bianca Belair (RAW Women’s Championship)

Hair-whip, steel chair wrapped around the neck and pushed into the ring post, and of course Becky’s haircut. Weeks and weeks of build-ups and we are here.

Bianca Belair offered a handshake but Becky was having none of it. The Man wanted to end the match quickly as she went for a ManHandle Slam but Bianca turned it around looking for a KOD but the champion slipped out and this time delivered a ManHandle Slam but Belair kicked out at 2.

Lynch dominated the match from thereon until at one point Belair locked in Lynch’s own move Disarm-Her. Becky, however, got back the control of the match when she pushed Belair into the steel steps. A series of Becksploder suplexes wore down Belair. Every time Belair looked to muster some offense of her own, Lynch stopped her in her tracks.

Belair delivered a vertical suplex on the outside to Lynch. After that Bianca delivered a series of moves to keep Lynch on the mat. Both women were involved in a slugfest on the top rope. Belair dropped Becky on the top rope and followed it up with a 450 splash from the middle rope but Lynch kicked out.

Belair was pulled by her hair against the ring post by Becky. Becky followed it up with a ManHandle Slam on the steel steps.

The 35-year-old waited for the count-out victory but Bianca managed to get back in the ring in the nick of time. Lynch was frustrated and went for another Manhandle Slam but Bianca spectacularly countered it and delivered a KOD to get the victory.

Result – Bianca Belair beat Becky Lynch

Grade – A

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Seth Rollins versus Cody Rhodes

Seth Rollins had to wait a while to get a confirmation of him being on the WrestleMania card. However, he would have forgotten all the struggles after finding his opponent to be someone as great as Cody Rhodes.

The crowd was in sync chanting for Cody. They countered arm drags and vertical suplexes. Cody looked quite sharp as he worked on Seth’s upper body. The American Nightmare was dominating until Seth took control of the match with a flurry of offensive moves.

Rollins applied a bear hug on Cody. The latter, however, got out of the lock. They exchanged blows until Cody delivered a body slam and took out Rollins outside the ring and over the announce table. Rollins got back into the match with a Superkick and a Falcon Arrow and went for the cover. Cody, however, kicked out at 2.

Rollins went for the stomp but Cody avoided disaster and delivered Cross Rhodes but this time The Visionary kicked out. Rollins hit an inverted superplex and followed it up with another slam but Cody once again kicked out at 2. Cody delivered a powerbomb and The Cody Cutter but Rollins kicked out at 2. Rollins hit a Pedigree but Cody kicked out at 2. What a match!

Both men exchanged punches with the crowd joining in with the chants. Rollins got the better of the exchange as he dropped Cody with a forearm to the back. Cody, however, delivered two back-to-back Cross Rhodes and was looking for a third but he delivered the Bionic Elbow paying homage to his father and Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes. Cody closed the match with a Cross Rhodes and earned a huge victory.

Result – Cody Rhodes beat Seth Rollins

Grade – A

Hall of Fame Class of 2022

The Hall of Fame Class of 2022 was welcomed on stage and the crowd in attendance gave everyone a huge pop.

The official attendance for the night was announced and it was 77,899 members of the WWE Universe.

Charlotte Flair (c) versus Ronda Rousey (SmackDown Women’s Championship)

Some fantastic promos and assaults from the champion on the challenger over the past few weeks and we are here. Ronda Rousey returned at Royal Rumble 2022 and won the Women’s Royal Rumble match to punch her ticket to ‘Mania.

Ronda Rousey went for an Ankle Lock but Flair used her leg strength to send her outside the ring. Flair pushed Rousey into the ring post. Inside the ring, Flair used submission moves to wear down Ronda. The Baddest Woman on The Planet got back in the match with a heavy knee strike. Rousey dominated from thereon until Flair struck back with a spear. A kip-up by the champion. She went for a moonsault but Rousey seemed to move out of the way.

Rousey used an arm drag from the top rope on Flair and delivered the Piper’s Pit. Rousey delivered a knee to Flair and the latter came back with a kick to the face. Ronda locked in the ankle lock but Flair countered and caught Rousey in an ankle lock of her own. Ronda reversed a Figure 8 to exert pressure on Flair. Rousey delivered Piper’s Pit and went for the cover but Flair got her feet up on the ropes.

The 13-time World champion delivered a Natural Selection but Ronda kicked out at 2. Flair was looking to go for another Figure 8 but Ronda pushed her into the referee who was out cold. Ronda made Flair tap with an armbar but there was no referee in the ring. As Ronda went to attend to the referee, Flair took advantage and delivered a big boot for the win.

Result – Charlotte Flair beat Ronda Rousey

Grade – B

Stone Cold Steve Austin on The Kevin Owens Show

Finally. This is such a moment. Everyone had been waiting for the glass to break. The Texas Rattlesnake is here.

Owens continued belittling Texas. He also dissed Austin saying that he was a poor role model. KO said that he will look in the eyes of Austin and tell him how much he “s**ks” and if the Hall of Famer didn’t show respect to him he will be hitting him with a Stunner.

Austin’s music hit and the crowd went into a frenzy. He appeared to a huge ovation but went behind the curtains soon after. Austin returned riding his vintage car to the ring. He came to the ring and destroyed the KO show’s set-up.

KO told him to calm down as he wanted to have a little conversation. Austin asked him if he wants to have a conversation after saying all the trash he has over the last few weeks about him and his state. Austin mentioned that KO looked like a “Jackass” and called his haircut stupid. Owens said he tricked Austin as he didn’t bring him here for a conversation.

He wanted to face him in a match. Owens challenged Austin to a No Holds Barred match. The crowd chanted “Yes” at the top of their voices. As Austin paused a while before responding to the challenge, Owens said that he is frightened and he shouldn’t embarrass himself in the ring. Austin, however, accepted saying that his first match was at Texas and his last match may as well be at Texas. He called out a referee. What a surprise!

The match

Austin hit a few strong fists and then started stomping Austin against the ropes. He asked for a can and had some beer before going back to the stomping job. Owens was turned inside out with a clothesline from Austin. KO finally mustered some offense as he sent Austin into the ring post. Owens assaulted Austin with a tripod.

He brought out a table and set it up against the barricade. Austin, however, pushed Owens crashing into the table that he himself had set up. The veteran took Owens into the crowd and continued with his punches. Owens got back into the match as he delivered a vertical suplex on Austin. The former Universal Champion brought Austin back at ringside.

KO tried to climb up the barricade but Austin dropped him onto the announce table. Owens looked to escape with Austin’s car but he just couldn’t start it. Austin came from behind and took Owens for a ride to the stage area. Then Austin delivered a couple of vertical suplexes and sent Owens rolling back towards the ring. After bringing Austin back to the ring,

Austin drank some more beer but that gave Owens time to recover as he delivered a Stunner but Austin kicked out. Owens brought a chair and tried hitting Austin with it but the legend avoided the shot as the Canadian star hit the ropes and the chair rebounded to hit his own face. Austin delivered a Stunner to win the match.

The celebration

He opened several cans before noticing that KO had somehow got back to his feet. Another Stunner was delivered as KO was escorted backstage by two members of the security team. Austin’s celebration continued as he called his brother to the ring and had some beer together. Byron Saxton entered the ring and wanted to have a can of beer. He did get his can but had to endure a Stunner afterward. Austin had some more beer to bring the show to a close.

Result – Stone Cold Steve Austin beat Kevin Owens

Grade – The occasion, the moment was so surreal that this match is beyond grades.

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