WWE WrestleMania Backlash Results, Winners, and Grades 8 May 2022: Rhea Ripley joins Edge and Damian Priest

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We are all set for the first pay-per-view event after WrestleMania 38 with as many as 4 rematches from WWE’s flagship event of the year, set up for the night Backlash results

Cody Rhodes will be in action against The Visionary as we are expecting another classic between the two veterans. The Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey “I Quit” Match promises to be an intense affair. Are we going to witness some surprise returns at the event?

Let’s start with the live results of WWE WrestleMania Backlash.

Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes have had quite the rivalry

Cody Rhodes versus Seth Rollins

Rollins complained after his loss at WrestleMania to Cody saying he was not prepared for the American Nightmare. This time he has no excuses. As the match began, Rollins had a couple of Rhodes’ moves scouted. The Visionary started ruthlessly and sent Cody crashing outside the ring after delivering a running knee strike.

Back inside the ring, Rollins got the headlock in and kept wearing down the fan-favorite. Rhodes managed to get some offense going as he dropped Rollins face-first after lifting the Architect above his shoulder and followed it up with the Disaster Kick. Rhodes went for another Disaster Kick but Rollins pushed him over the ropes. Rollins went outside the ring and pushed him into the barricade and slammed his head into the announce desk.

The former Legacy member delivered a thunderous superplex from the middle rope. Back inside the ring, Cody Cutter gave Rhodes a two count. Rollins hit an enzuigiri and followed it up with a Superkick for a two count of his own. Both men countered each other’s finishers.

Rollins hit the Falcon Arrow on Rhodes for another near fall as the crowd began chanting “This is awesome!” He followed it up with a beautiful frog splash for another two count. Rhodes went up on the top rope this time but Rollins caught him and hit a superplex off the top rope.

The former Universal Champion went for another Falcon Arrow but Rhodes countered into the Cross Rhodes but Rollins got his feet up on the rope. Rollins evaded a moonsault and hit a Pedigree for a two count.

A frustrated Rollins started trash talking and hit Rhodes with kicks to the head and then set up for Dusty Rhodes’ Bionic Elbow but was countered. The match ended when Rollins rolled up Rhodes and got hold of the latter’s tights but to his shock, the American Nightmare countered and got hold of the tights of Rollins to beat the heel.

Winner – Cody Rhodes

Grade – A

Bobby Lashley versus Omos

Bobby Lashley started the match strongly as he unloaded with some heavy punches on the big man. However, a little distraction from MVP helped Omos to take control of the match. The Colossus hit a Snake Eyes and followed it up with a big boot giving a tribute to The Undertaker.

Lashley finally managed to get back into the match as he tied up Omos to the top rope and assaulted him. MVP tried to free Omos but the Almighty caught him outside the ring and was about to lock his former friend in a Hurt lock but his opponent recovered and brought him back inside the ring. Lashley caught Omos in the Hurt lock but Omos managed to push his rival into the ropes to break the count.

Lashley went for a spear but Omos countered sending him shoulder-first into the ring post. With the referee’s back turned, MVP hit Lashley with a cane to allow Omos to drop the former WWE Champion and get the victory with a pinfall.

Winner – Omos

Grade – B

We get a backstage interview of Paul Heyman and The Usos where the Wise Man stated that The Bloodline will teach RK-Bro and Drew McIntyre a lesson later on in the show.

Edge versus AJ Styles – Damian Priest barred from ringside

AJ Styles was fired up as the matches started. He delivered a series of punches and kicks to Edge and pushed the Rated-R Superstar into the barricade after nailing a dropkick. Edge was outside the ring and Styles met him with a moonsault. Styles went for a Phenomenal Forearm but Edge kicked Styles on the shoulder which was injured by the Hall of Famer and Priest a few weeks ago on RAW.

Edge dominated from here onwards. The heel focused his attack on Styles’ shoulder systematically softening it up. AJ delivered a Pele kick and looked to pick up the pace but both men collided with each other trying to execute a crossbody. Styles hit Edge with a sliding forearm and sent the latter face-first.

Styles set up Edge on the middle rope and dropped his opponent with a hurricanrana. Edge managed to weather the storm from Styles and locked in a cross face. Styles, however, countered with a calf crusher. Edge escaped the hold and untied a turnbuckle but much to his dismay, he ran into the exposed turnbuckle. The Rated-R Superstar hit a spear to Styles.

The Phenomenal one hit a Styles Clash but Edge kicked out at two. Damian Priest came up to the aisle to distract Styles but Finn Balor took him out. Styles was perched up on the top rope and with the referee distracted, a person with a mask on dropped Styles. Edge locked in a chokehold as Styles went unconscious giving the former another victory. The assailant entered the ring and took a knee to pledge allegiance to Edge. She revealed herself and it was none other than Rhea Ripley, who was rumored to be the next entrant in Edge’s feel faction for a long time.

Winner – Edge

Grade – B

Charlotte Flair (c) versus Ronda Rousey – “I Quit” Match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship

Flair sent for a kick early on but Rousey sidestepped and hit a vicious knee. Flair, however, dropped her and told the referee to ask Ronda. The challenger was obviously not going to quit so easily. Flair dropped Ronda with a German suplex. She went for a Figure 8 but Rousey countered.

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The Baddest Woman on the Planet tried to lock in the armbar but the champion rolled out of the ring. Flair wanted to send Ronda into the ring post but the latter countered and sent the Queen into the post head-first instead. Flair, however, returned with a big boot. She took out a kendo stick from under the ring but Rousey pulled it out from her. Flair went back towards the stage area and got hold of a couple of kendo sticks.

Rousey once again took the two sticks out of Flair’s hands and assaulted the Queen with them. Both women went into the crowd area and a slugfest ensued. Flair blinded Rousey temporarily throwing a drink on her face and dropping the challenger. Flair used a railing and locked in a submission hold but Rousey would not quit. Ronda caught an attempted steel chair shot. Back at ringside, Flair delivered a powerbomb into the barricade.

Flair began to trash talk but that fired up Rousey even more. Rousey attempted Piper’s Pit but Flair raked her eyes and pushed her opponent into the ring post. Rousey recovered and locked in an armbar against the ropes and it seemed the champion would quit but she persevered. Flair planted Rousey onto a steel chair with the Natural Selection.

The former locked in Figure 8 but Rousey once again hanged in to use a steel chair to break the hold. Flair got too busy insulting Rousey verbally and the latter locked in an armbar using a chair for extra leverage to pick up the victory and win the title. The MMA legend celebrated with the fans on the outside as Flair was in tears.

Winner – Ronda Rousey

Grade – A

Happy Corbin versus Madcap Moss

Corbin started quicker off the blocks but Moss used his quickness and innovative offense to rattle Corbin. Moss nailed a hip toss but Corbin came back with a huge Chokeslam. Outside the ring, Corbin sent Moss into the ring post. Moss tried fighting back but the veteran dropped him with an elbow.

The former Lone wolf kept wearing down Moss. Whenever Moss tried to get some offense going, Corbin laid him out. Corbin dropped Moss and delivered a senton. Moss finally managed to muster some prolonged offense and sent Corbin into the ring post. Corbin was caught by Moss and thrown away with a Fallaway Slam.

The heel managed to take back control of the match as he set Modd on the top rope. Moss tried to counter but he ran into a Deep Six. The match ended with a massive victory for Moss as he won via a sunset flip after countering a clothesline.

Winner – Madcap Moss

Grade – C

Kayla Braxton revealed backstage that the x-ray report suggests that Charlotte Flair suffered a fractured radius during her brutal match against Ronda Rousey.

RK-Bro and Drew McIntyre versus Roman Reigns and The Usos

Jimmy Uso and Randy Orton got us started. Orton started strong and made the tag to Riddle. Jimmy tried to muster some offense but Riddle used his strength to make a tag to McIntyre. The Scottish Warrior delivered a suplex as Jimmy finally managed to get to his corner. McIntyre wanted Reigns and the Tribal Chief entered the ring after some reluctance. Reigns’ time in the ring lasted only a few seconds as he made a tag to Jey and exited without even getting physical. McIntyre was infuriated and he unleashed his fury on Jey before tagging Riddle in.

The Usos managed to take control of the match as they isolated Riddle. The Bloodline did well to cut the ring in half. Reigns finally got back in the match with a helpless Riddle waiting inside the ring. Riddle tried fighting back but got stopped in his tracks with a high elbow. Reigns was enjoying his time dominating Riddle.

Orton was superkicked off the ring apron by Jey. Reigns tagged himself in and thought he would continue with his domination on a tired Riddle, but the youngster managed to tag in McIntyre. Reigns and Drew finally started to brawl as the former two-time WWE champion took out the Head of the Table. Before McIntyre could close out the match, Jey interfered only to be taken out.

The distraction, however, gave time for Reigns to recover and he began his assault on McIntyre, starting with a Superman punch. Paul Heyman gave the two titles to Reigns as the WWE Universal Champion posed with them inside the ring. Reigns punched Riddle to take him off the ring apron. He took too much time and McIntyre recovered with a Claymore and tagged in Orton.

The Viper took out Jey and delivered a DDT from the ropes to Jimmy. Roman came to intervene but got planted with RKO. Jimmy got another RKO and Orton went for the cover but Jey managed to save the match for his team. Jey and Riddle tagged themselves in and the latter managed to build momentum as he hit a running knee and hit the Floating Bro for a near fall. Jey hit a pop up neckbreaker to Riddle. Orton assault Jimmy on the outside. Reigns, however, hit a Superman punch to Orton.

McIntyre returned to send Reigns into the steel steps. Reigns was about to be Powerbombed into the announce table but Jimmy caused a distraction. The Tribal Chief took advantage of the distraction and dropped McIntyre through the announce desk. The match ended when Reigns sneaked in a tag and speared Riddle after the latter hit the RKO to Jey off the top rope.

Winner – Roman Reigns and The Usos

Grade – A

Overall show grade – A

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