Home » esports » How to Beat all Gym Leaders in Pokemon BDSP – Guide

Here is our complete Guide on how to defeat all the gym leaders in Pokemon BDSP Find their strengths, weaknesses, rewards, and more!

When it comes to Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, and the reigning Champion, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl contain some very difficult battles. To win, you’ll have to take advantage of each Pokémon’s strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how to defeat all of the Gym Leaders in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) have different gym leaders, and each one favors a different type of Pokémon. Here are the Pokémon they’ll use, as well as some strategies for defeating them.

Pokemon BDSP Gym Leaders

1. Roark (Oreburgh City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Geodude (Lvl. 12)Rock/ GroundRock HeadStealth RockDefense CurlRollout
Onix (Lvl. 12)Rock/ GroundSturdyStealth RockRock ThrowBind
Cranidos (Lvl. 14)RockMold BreakerHeadbuttBulldozeLeer

During this fight, I strongly advise your team to be between Level 10 and Level 14. With their respective Water and Grass attacks, Piplup and Turtwig can quickly dispatch any opponent. Chimchar will learn a Fighting move that is also damaging to the gym leader’s team if you get him to Level 14 and evolve him into Monferno before fighting Roark.

Defeating Gym Leader Roark will reward you with the Coal Badge, Stealth Rock (TM 76), 1680 Pokedollars and unlock Rock Smash TM98. Once Rock Smash is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Roark Pokemon BDSP

2. Gardenia (Eterna City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Cherubi (Lvl. 19)GrassChlorophyllGrass Knot Growth Dazzling GleamSafeguard
Turtwig (Lvl. 19)GrassShell Armor/ Miracle SeedGrass KnotRazor LeafReflectWork Up
Roserade (Lvl. 22)Grass/ PoisonTechnician/ Sitrus BerryGrass KnotPetal BlizzardPoison StingStun Spore

To defeat this lineup quickly, you’ll need your Pokémon to be between Level 15 and Level 18. Those that choose Chimchar will have an easy time, but the other two Starters will have to find other options. I recommend having Zubat or Drifloon in your party to use their Poison and Flying attacks to make things go more smoothly.

Defeating Gym Leader Gardenia will reward you with the Forest Badge, Grass Knot (TM 86), 2640 Pokedollars and unlock Cut (TM93). Once Cut is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Gardenia Pokemon BDSP

3. Maylene (Veilstone City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Meditite (Lvl. 27)Fighting / PsychicPure Power / Light ClayDrain Punch Light Screen Flash Bulk Up
Machoke (Lvl. 27)FightingGuts / Expert BeltLow Sweep Knock Off Rock Tomb Bulldoze
Lucario (Lvl. 30)Fighting / SteelSteadfast / Big RootDrain Punch Screech Metal Claw Bulk Up

If your Pokémon are between Level 20 and Level 23, things will go more smoothly when you enter this gym. Having Staravia or Machop on your side will also make defeating this trio much easier if you use their Flying and Fighting attacks.

Defeating Gym Leader Maylene will reward you with the Cobble Badge,  and unlock Fly (TM94). Once Fly is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Maylene Pokemon BDSP

4. Crasher Wake (Pastoria City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Gyarados (Lvl. 27)Water / FlyingIntimidate / Wide LensBrine Ice FangCrunch Flail
Quagsire (Lvl. 27)Water / GroundDamp / Damp RockRain Dance Haze Mud Shot Scald
Floatzel (Lvl. 30)WaterSwift Swim / Sitrus BerryBrine Ice Fang Bite Aqua Jet

For an easier battle, try to get your team members to be between Level 20 and Level 23. Due to the effectiveness of Grass and Electric attacks, Roselia, Roserade, and Luxray can be quite useful in this battle.

Defeating Gym Leader Crasher Wake will reward you with the Fen Badge, Brine (TM 55), 3,600 Pokedollara, and unlock Defog (TM97). Once Defog is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Crasher Wake Pokemon BDSP
Crasher Wake

5. Fantina (Hearthome City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Drifblim (Lvl. 32)Ghost / FlyingAftermath / Zoom LensStrength Sap Hex Fly Will-O-Wisp
Gengar (Lvl. 34)Ghost / PoisonCursed Body / Colbur BerryShadow Claw Confuse Ray Sludge Bomb Dazzling Gleam
Mismagius (Lvl. 36)GhostLevitate / Expert BeltConfuse Ray Phantom Force Magical Leaf Dazzling Gleam

Before entering this gym, your team should be between Level 25 and Level 27 (or above). With their Dark attacks, Golbat or Crobat will be very useful.

Defeating Gym Leader Fantina will reward you with the Relic Badge, Shadow Claw (TM 65), 4,320 Pokedollars, and unlock Surf (TM95). Once Surf is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Fantina Pokemon BDSP

6. Byron (Canalave City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Bronzor(Lvl. 36)Steel / PsychicLevitateConfuse Ray Sandstorm Trick Room Flash Cannon
Steelix(Lvl. 36)Steel / GroundSturdy / Soft SandThunder Fang Earthquake Sandstorm Gyro Ball
Bastiodon(Lvl. 39)Steel / RockSturdy / Sitrus BerryIron Defense Thunderbolt Stone Edge Flash Cannon

To make quick work of this team, get your team to between Level 28 and Level 32. With their Fire and Ground attacks, Monferno, Infernape, Gastrodon, and Rapidash will be extremely useful in this fight.

Defeating Gym Leader Byron will reward you with the Mine Badge, Flash Cannon (TM 91), 4,680 Pokedollars, and unlock Strength (TM96). Once Strength is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Byron Pokemon BDSP

7. Candice (Snowpoint City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Snover (Lvl. 38)Ice / GrassSnow Warning / Icy RockMist Razor Leaf Water Pulse Avalanche
Sneasel (Lvl. 38)Ice / DarkPickpocket / Chople BerryMetal Claw Hone Claws Dig Avalanche
Medicham (Lvl. 40)Psychic / FightingPure Power / Expert BeltIce Punch Bulk Up Brick Break Rock Slide
Abomasnow (Lvl. 42)Ice / GrassSnow Warning / Sitrus BerryAurora Veil Giga Drain Earthquake Blizzard

To make Candice simpler for you, get your team between Level 32 and Level 35. If you have Lucario as your Fighting type, Staraptor as your Flying-type, and a powerful Fire-type like Infernape, Rapidash, or Houndoom as your Fire-type, the battle will be won easily.

Defeating Gym Leader Candice will reward you with the Icicle Badge, Avalanche (TM 72), 5,040 Pokedollars and unlock Rock Climb (TM100). Once Rock Climb is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Candice Pokemon BDSP

8. Volkner (Sunnyshore City)

PokemonTypeAbility / ItemMoves
Raichu (Lvl. 46)ElectricStatic / Shuca BerryNuzzle Volt Switch Surf Charge Beam
Ambipom (Lvl. 47)NormalTechnician / Chople BerryFake Out Thunderbolt Double Hit Last Resort
Octillery (Lvl. 47)WaterSniper / Expert BeltOctazooka Focus Energy Aurora Beam Charge Beam
Luxray (Lvl. 49)ElectricIntimidate / Sitrus BerryThunder Fang Ice Fang Crunch Iron Tail

Volkner is the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl gym boss with the most versatility. For this fight, make sure your team is between Level 38 and Level 43. For the Ambipom fight, you’ll need a good Fighting-type like Lucario or Machoke. Turtwig, Roserade, Luxray, and Raichu are all vulnerable to Octillery’s Grass and Electric attacks. A strong Ground-type like Quagisire, Gastrodon, Rhyhorn, Rhyperior, or Hippowdon can take out the others.

Defeating Gym Leader Volkner will reward you with the Bescon Badge, Charge Beam (TM 57) and unlock Waterfall (TM99). Once Waterfall is unlocked, you can now use it outside of the battle.

Volkner Pokemon BDSP

This was our guide on how to beat all the gym leaders in Pokemon BDSP. You can simply select the pokemon with the typ advantage and level them up to fight your enemies.

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